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It all started on that fateful Saturday.

-the sound of music blaring in the background-

                    "JEN!!!MATT!" By the time I noticed they were gone I immediately went into panic mode...i have NO idea where they went!  They were the whole reason I was at this stupid party.  I knew absolutely NO ONE here.  And to top it all off, ninety-nine percent of tall the people around be were wasted; not even close to sober.  Which made trying to find my best friend Jen and boyfriend Matt, all the more impossible. I go up the larger-than-necessary stairs and try looking for them in the second level of the incredibly large house.  As I make my way through the hallways I spy a door cracked open.  I feel some sort of relief...then I hear something peculiar.  "Matt...".  YESSS!!!  At least I found Matt.  Now the only person I need to find is Jen.  As I make my way towards the door, I start to smile, a small smile, but a smile none the less.  I open the door of the room and feel my world crashing down around me.  "Jen??Matt??" 

"Ungrateful nit."





"Fake."  This is all I hear as I walk through the halls.  I keep my head down and stare at my feet.  Of course on one believed me when I told them that I found Matt cheating on me with my best friend.  And therefore made my life in Ohio a living hell.  So imagine my excitement when I was told that we were moving.  And not just anywhere, to England's best sea-side town:  St. Ives.  It took my mom three years to realize it's time to move but the location helped subdue my anger.  Just a bit.

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