The "happy" girl

75 3 0

May 4, 2015
Age:13 1/2

A knife resting in the dresser with

dried tears on it.

A mother who tries to be strong.

A father who drinks and is selfish.

A brother who doesn't notice his

sister who hurts.

A simple girl who is happy at school

but fights battles in her head.

Feeling worthless, a waste of space,

and cuts while crying.

She can't tell anyone because they

won't understand or would care.

She cries herself to sleep having no

one to talk to, every night.

Has no friends that she really trust,

cause she's tired of being betrayed.

She grabs the knife out of her dresser

and puts the blade to her wrist to feel

something rather then the pain.

She's tired of being depressed.

All of her friends ask if she's ok, she

tells them she's fine.

Has rough days and doesn't talk

about it.

Feels like she has no friends, but at

school she has plenty.

Smiling on the outside dying on the in

Makes jokes to make people happy,

and sticks up for people so they don't

go through the same depression as


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