Chapter 25 - Confessions & Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not, because I'd tell you the exact same." With that, Party Poison once again leant over to kiss me, holding onto me tightly.

"When I first saw you lying in that cell covered in blood, I was half convinced you were dead, and when Kobra found out you were still alive, I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't know what I'd do if you had died, sunshine." Party's voice spoke genuinely while going to give my hand a gently squeeze. For a split second the thoughts of the black parade crossed my mind, and I debated on telling Party Poison about it, but decided against it. It probably would make me sound even more fucking insane then I already was.

"I was so scared I'd never see you again." I admitted quietly, my voice wavering slightly through the sentence. I wanted to tell Party what they had done to me, but I just couldn't remember anything. I knew bad things must have happened- all my injuries couldn't have just appeared out of no where, however I just couldn't remember anything. 

Besides, I didn't want to put more worry and stress onto Party, despite his brave face I could see how tired he's become through all of this drama. Party Poison's eyes were usually dark around the edges, however they've become more predominant of late. Other small features were showing on Party that I chose to ignore for now, things could only go up from here.

Couldn't they? 

"Well fear no more, sunshine. You're never gonna' go back at those tyrants' hands, you can count on that." Party spoke determined. "Now come here." He moved closer to me so I could comfortably lay in his arms.

"Goodnight Party Poison." I bid Party a quiet goodnight, closing my eyes suddenly feeling extremely drowsy.

"Night Sparks."

I sat in the familiar diner, tied up to the chair I sat in when I met the fabulous four for the first time. The actions repeated in my mind, I went to grab one of my knives, when one hand pulled my hair back so I could see the group who had tied me up. I felt tense, but relaxed when I saw who stood in front of me.

I was met with the hazel eyes of Party Poison, except he looked different. He still wore the dead Pegasus jacket and had the familiar bright red hair so similar to mine, but he looked crazed. He had dark, red circles under and above his eyes, and his smile was sickly.

"Hey there sunshine." He spoke sarcastically.

Now that I could see my surroundings, Fun Ghoul held my head back, he was staring down at me with the upmost disgust I've ever seen on a humans face. Kobra and Jet Star also had similar expressions plastered on their faces. This is like the twisted version of what had happened when the killjoys and I had first met in the diner.

"What's going on guys? Why am I tied up?" I asked, the roped used to tie my hands up throbbed.

"You're tied up because you're one of them, sunshine." Party spoke again as he began pacing in front of me.

"One of what? Cut the shit guys and untie me."

I then received a hard slap to the face at the hand of Party Poison. Stunned to say the least, I sat there in shock. I began to tear up, but I wouldn't allow the tears to fall. Not even the notorious leader Party Poison would get the best of me. If my hands weren't restrained right now, the motherfucker would be sorry.

"YOU LIED TO US SPARK, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE ONE OF US!" Party was screaming, his jaw tensed and he wore a scowl to coincide with his already scary features.

"How could you do that to us, Suicide Spark?" Fun Ghoul spoke sadly, still holding a hard grip onto my hair. He looked like a kicked puppy, and it made my heart ache.

"You're a disgrace to all killjoys." Jet Star spoke disgusted, shaking his head disappointed.

"Why would you do this to us Spark?" Kobra Kid spoke as he walked towards me, crouching down on his knees so he was now level to me.

"Kobra." I now cried, not being able to hold back any longer. "I have no idea what you guys are talking about I- I am one of you." Kobra Kid was the one who made everything make sense on the first night we met, hopefully he will do it again now.

"Oh." Party Poison's head snapped to where I was seated, his eyes wide and malicious. "But you are NOT, and will NEVER be one of us."

"Spark? SPARK! Wake up." Party Poison was urging me to wake up.

I jolted awake, sitting upright in the bed. It was still dark outside, and despite my rib aching, I continued to sit up, sweat layering my face, which was mixed with tears.

I looked to Party Poison who was now sitting upright as well, confusion and worry etching his features. With out thinking, and completely disregarding the nightmare I had just woken up from, I latched onto Party Poison for dear life. This was pathetic, I never used to cry. I never had the time, now I feel like it's all I do. 

I continued to sob into Party's shoulder now for the second time today, and held onto him, afraid that if I pull apart, the Party in my nightmare will take his place. But when Party shushed me and rubbed my hair in attempts to calm me down, I knew this was the real Party. Not the harsh, scary one who occupied my nightmares.

Party pulled me down so we were once again both lying down. The leader held onto me, until the tears eventually began to fade away.

"Nightmares?" Party asked to which I nodded, not daring to open my mouth to speak, I knew words would no doubt fail me.

"I used to get them a lot too. Just remember it's all in your head all right Spark? It's okay." Party soothed me. I nodded hastily, leaning my head against Party's chest, sucking in a deep, shaky breath of air.

"We can leave this world, leave it all behind." Party Poison began singing; I listened intently, his voice calming me down almost immediately.

"We can steal this car if your folks don't mind, we can live forever if you've got the time." The lyrics were making me feel drowsy once again, I moved closer into Party's side, closing my eyes and listening to the words he sang so smoothly. 

I feared to fall back asleep, afraid of who or what may be occupying my nightmares, but with Party singing me to sleep, I couldn't resist letting sleep wash over me for the night.

"Na na na na na, if you save yourself tonight."

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