The Maiden with a Heart of Gold

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The beautiful maiden literally bore a heart of gold before her death.

The day of her birth, a goddess came to the maiden's home. The goddess told the maiden's parents that the child's heart can revive the dead and there will be creatures after her. After delivering the message from the other deities, she left. The parents cannot believe the message yet they took precautions.

The child, who indeed turned into a pretty maiden that everyone who sees her will immediately fall in love with such enchanting face, was locked up inside the house. She dreamed about the outside world that her parents were talking about.

One night, she sneaked out of the house when her parents were fast asleep. The road was dark yet she continued to walk with her trusty antique lamp. She looked at the stars with a smile on her face. She only saw it through her window. Now, the beauty was above her and who knew it extended to the horizon? It would be a delight to find where it ends.

She snapped out of her moment when she heard a cough. She looked behind her and saw an old woman who was sick. She offered her help.

"Ah, you seem to be an enchanted girl." The old woman said as they walked straight to the forest.

"Thank you." The maiden took the words of the aged woman as praise. She was happy enough to interact with someone other than her parents.

"Can you accompany me inside? I'll make you tea." The woman insisted for the maiden to come inside the cave. The girl, who was innocent about the horrors of the world, did not hesitate at all and gladly accepted the offer.

When they got inside the cave, the old woman's hand went through the maiden's chest. Blood splattered everywhere. The antique lamp slowly slipped from the maiden's grasp, then the old woman pulled out her hand, and there it was, the maiden's golden heart that can revive the dead.

"Must. Go. To. My. Kind." The old woman's raspy voice echoed inside the cave as she walked further inside it.

And there at the entrance was the dead maiden, her heart gone.


A/N: Okay, first, I know it might have sound a bit like Tangled but when I wrote this, Tangled wasn't out yet. Hell, I haven't watched the movie yet and it's like 2015 already.

Second, my cousin gave me a prompt, Golden Heart, during the time I wrote this and I initially aimed for something fairy tale-like in storytelling.

Anyway, the usual thing. Tell me what you think and don't be shy to comment whether positive or negative. Also, push the 'vote' button if you like it! Happy readings and have a great day! :) ~ Lacie

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