"If you could .." He pointed to me with one of those smiles. "Would you ever date Austin again?" He then pointed to Austin as I followed his finger.

Our eyes met and I felt the goosebumps forming on my forearm. In my head I immediately answered the question. Yes.

But what about the whole going away and working on yourself, Bea? I asked myself and started second guessing.

With the heavy air surrounding me, I turned and looked at Robert. His eyebrows raised and a smile so wide I began to like this game.

"No rob. I wouldn't." I truthfully answered as his smile weakened. His eyes shifted over to Austin. I didn't want to see Austin's sad face so I kept looking forward.

"My turn !" Zach shouted saving everyone from this awkward situation. I looked down and deep down inside I felt sad for saying that but it's tell truth.

Im sticking to what I'm saying and I'm going to work on myself, even if it's leaving the country and doing it. I will do it. 

While sitting back and watching the game go on, I started thinking of what I'm going to do after college.

Go to Florida for your 4 years. My mind thought as I shook my head in ridiculousness.

How am I going to focus on school if Austin and I live in the same state? How am I going to take time off for myself if Austin knows where I'm going to college? It won't work out.

I played with my shot glass as I thought about Austin and the rain kiss. How he still cares for me and wants me back but I don't know about the whole thing.

I would take him back but school is a problem. Knowing me I would be more worried about Austin then tests or homework. Basically I don't want to be with Austin because not only would I not focus on school but I'll be constantly distracted. 

I exhaled and looked up and noticed that it was Alex's turn. Austin's next. I looked up at the sky and admired the clear blue day. No clouds just the beautiful sky and bright sunshine.

I then looked down and observed Zach's tattoos. He's gotten more since last year. Zach would show his tattoos on twitter and Instagram. But seeing it in person is unbelievable. 5 years ago, I wouldn't picture him with tattoos. Same thing goes with Robert ... and now Austin?

I still want to know what that tattoo means and what it sa-

"Bea." Austin spoke catching my attention as everyone was looking at me. I said what and looked at the arrow board. The arrow pointing directly to me as I look up.

"Whose turn is it?" I asked as everyone's eyes shifted to the kid beside me. Not Zach but Austin.

Out of the silence I feel him lean in and whisper playfully "ask me a question Beana." A hidden smile appeared on my face as I just thought of the perfect question.

"The tattoo that you have right above your hip bone ..." I turned my head and watch him fill the glass with whiskey.

"... What does it say?" I ask as he lifts the tiny cup up and drinks the whiskey as fast as he can. He slams the cup down on the table and releases a soft moan.

As he licks his lips he turns his head my direction and our eyes meet for the billionth time. His hazel orbs staring into mine as I waited for his answer.

It probably says Memas name or Mahomies in cursive or something.

With his hazel eyes staring at me and a wide smile appearing out of nowhere, he says "the tattoo says Gonna."

My smile fades as I started laughing. "You're joking right?" I ask again but he looked at me with a serious expression.

"If you don't believe me, look." He then stood up, lifted his shirt and pushed his pants down a little bit revealing the tattoo I always wanted to know about.

And there it was. The cursive Gonna tattoo.

So recently I've been in the hospital because I had an asthma attack. It's okay guys, I'm okay. But after going to the hospital I learned a thing or two.

1) asmtha sucks and
2) I almost died.

The doctor said that my throat was so swollen than it started closing, causing me not to breathe. I don't know why I got it now, it's fall but I almost died guys.

I am sorry for not updating. And with my near death experience I gift you this lovely chapter. :)

I saw the light guys. Just kidding no I didn't XD but still I would've missed you guys if I did die :')

Do you guys have any asthma stories? Do you guys have asthma like me? Tell me :)

But anyways what do you guys think of this chapter ?????? You finally know what the tattoo is !!! HAHAHAHA I love austin.

Vote and I'll make chapter 37 ! Oooo and comment because I need some motivation rn :)

Love you guys ❤️❤️


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