Chapter 2: Why Did I Mention Getting Caught By the Pope

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Levin could feel her anger welling up inside her, and she couldn't take it. Nicki bent down and looked at the boot marks int he dirt "He probably walked-"

"I know where he is" Levin snapped grabbing Nicki's arm "Lets go" and she dragged him to the court yard where she knew the killer would be standing, surrounded by hostages, after shooting three police men.

The scene was just as expected, "Oi! Asshole!" Levin shouted and the police yelled at her to get back, Levin moved quickly as a bullet swerved past her head whipping her hair as it passed.

"Didn't any one ever tell you not to mess with Choir Girls! They're Bitchy too boot!" Nicki added

Levin held out her hand and Nicki's eyes glowed as a white shot gun appeared in her hand "Time to tip the scales" she scoffed to herself  "Did you know, sir, that Nicki here has a way with materialization." She smirked, aiming the gun at him "If it's tinier then a space vacuum all he has to do is think and poof! Its here"

"Y-You freaks! You mutants! You put down the gun now or I shoot her!" The gun man grabbed up one of the hostages, a young girl probably 6th grade, and held the gun to her temple.

"You won't shoot her." Levin said dropping the gun to her side as she took strides toward him

"Move another step and I'll shoot her! I mean it!" the gunman pushed the gun harder into the girls head.

Levin stopped mid stride. "I know you won't shoot her, because I know you better then you know yourself"

"Your a lunatic!" the gunman shouted at her

"Im sorry, Alan Sendlie, but I'm not the one holding a gun to a girls head because yesterday you had a fight with your girlfriend. Get help you sick bastard." Levin spat out raising her gun once again

"H-How-" he croaked out but was cut off by a bullet going straight threw his brain.

"Pick a God and pray your Future Life is a happy one" Levin scoffed throwing the gun up in the air, where it disappeared in a burst of white dust. The anger she had once had dissipated as all the police men turned guns onto her and Nicki.

"Um, Levin..." Nicki choked out his eyes flicking nervously around

"Yeah. Run." Levin said and they bolted, pulling Nicki this way and that as they ran avoiding bullets.

"Where do we go?!" Nicki shouted over the sound of rushing wind

"Just keep running, I guess" Levin yelled back to him

"But I failed gym, I can't hold up for much longer!"

"How did you- Never mind! Just keep running, unless you wanna' be shot! Shoot!" she skidded to a stop as a helicopter descended and police cars wheeled all down the streets.

"Should we let them catch us, maybe.." Nicki whimpered looking at Levin's face as she thought out a plan.

"I don't know, they will let you go. But'll be charged for murder." Levin said watching as the many police cars surrounded them and the helicopter hovered above them, shining a large light down. "I have a plan" she turned on her heel to face Nicki "Follow my lead"

He nodded. Following her motions as she laid down on her knees putting her hands over her head.


"You know when I said 'Should we let them catch us' I was just putting a dumb idea out there. I didn't think you would actually let us get caught!" Nicki grumbled settling down in his cell. There was a wall that separated there two cells, yet they still yelled threw it at each other.

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