Chapter 1: Levin the Prophet

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Once there were six goddesses sisters, who ruled over the Earth by walking amongst humans. They had shrines and were praised by the never changing human race. Each goddess represented an element that human's needed to live, and some were more praised then others.

Life was the eldest and leader of the goddesses, she was the definition of youth and beauty. Golden hair and crystal eyes that would radiate with he worlds happiness. Her large angel wings allowed her to soar high into the sky and watch the world bellow from the clouds, her staff was beautifully crafted from gold and the center held a star that always burned.

The second eldest goddess was Death, she had long flowing black hair that was almost made of smoke, where ever she walked human's would cower in fear watching for which house she would visit to take ones life as it was her duty, her staff was crafted from the darkest iron and had a dark black orb at the top which swirled with the souls of the deceased.

Next came, Love who loved to walk in the form of a young girl with long flowing pink twin tails. No matter her age she always acted like a child, and the villagers could always find her in a meadow dwindling away time picking flowers. On her Birthday, Love would walk threw the villages spreading her love and joy to every couple she laid eyes on.

Sorrow comes next, she was a tall girl, with paste white complexion and stark white hair. She had bandages over her eyes, because she was blind. And many would see her aimlessly walking threw town trying to find anyone who would help her, but all stayed indoors when they saw her.

The second youngest goddess was, Isolation. She always sat alone in the great marble shrine built for her. Other then her ginger hair, everything about her was white. White clothes, pale skin, and dull eggshell colored eyes. She silently watches from the corner of the shrine as hermits from the villages would enter, wearing all white, and leave a single white flower and sometimes a note on white parchment.

The last of the goddesses was, Serenity. Even though Serenity was the youngest she was ,most of the time, the most mature. Her luscious brown hair was intertwined with grape vines, and on any day one could find her deep in an enchanted forest singing to the plants and trees, just to pass time.

But one day, the human's had the brilliant plan to eliminate Death, Sorrow, and Isolation so that there would be no more suffering. So the plan started, the human's invited each sister to a summit to honor them. The human's had also prepared something called 'Cursed Weapons' which had the potential to kill a god. The stage was set, the Goddesses accepted the invite and when they got to the town meeting house, Death had gotten a weird vibe from the human's around the town.

As each goddesses sat around the summit table, the human leaders prepared there cursed weapon's from there place underneath the table. Life, from the head of the table, noticed the slight movement of each human member at the table. She tsked as the slight sound of a gun cocking was muffled by the table.

"Get down!!" She shouted pushing Death down to the floor just as one of the village men aimed a gun at her. The bullet stung with pain in Life's left wing, she stumbled looking up at the humans, her crystal eyes blazing with anger. The villagers were frantic, they never meant to hurt life, the leader of the goddesses. Death angered by the villagers sudden action and sent out a wave of of pure shadow and plague toward the villagers barring arms against the Goddesses. Many of the weak men fell over passing onto the floor, and even the strong ones were struggling to stand. Love starred in surprise her whole body shaking with fear, Sorrow looked around the table aimlessly not understanding what was going on, while Isolation had stood and backed up from the table taking up a safe position behind Serenity.

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