Kits Of Stones

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A long time ago

Before you even touched these grounds

There was a new queen

Finchswoop as they called her

Who had just found news

Have her kits to come

Overjoyed, she ran to her mate

A gray ruthless cat named Stoneroller

He however, was much less happy

The occasion causing him to be angered

The new queen was shocked

As he told her

"Get rid of them before I do!"

Her body froze up

Oh, how all that joy slowly shifted into depression

She loved him deeply

And did not want to upset him

But she wanted to have these kits more

Soon after, he died after a fox attack

She felt much grief

But was somewhat relieved her kits wouldn't meet their unloving father

Moons passed

And very soon, she had her kits

Four beautiful bundles of fur

She licked each ones head

And in her heart and out loud promised

"I'll protect you all..."

Alas, that promise didn't live long.

As when she awoke the next day

She found her kits to be gone

Desperate, the queen called out

She looked around in panic

Before letting out a shrill scream

For there laid her kits

Bodies stained with Crimson

Small stones around their bodies

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