chapter five

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{ashley's pov}
brown eyes.
why did i always think he had blue?
i snap back into reality to realize that he's giving me a worried look. did he say something?
oh my god, what did he say?
what do i say?
wait, shut up, ash. you don't talk, remember?
i smile hesitantly at him and he noticeably relaxes.
"i'm josh," he offers awkwardly, giving me a small smile and wave.
i smirk. damn, he's cuter in person. why can't i just suck it up and talk to him?
maybe another day, but not today.
his forehead wrinkles in confusion as i stand there, dead silent.
heh. dead silent. get it?
i'm saved by the appearance of a tall, skinny figure to my left, and take a quick step back to avoid any physical contact. i've already bumped into josh dun today. wouldn't it just top it off if i bumped into...
tyler joseph.
that's tyler fucking joseph.
my eyes go wide, but i force myself to conceal the fact that i recognize him. out of the corner of my eye, i see josh smirking.
he noticed.
"yo, dude, they're about to start the service," tyler informs josh, not noticing me.
"yeah, hang on, i was just talking to...?" he hesitates, gesturing towards me. tyler raises an eyebrow in slight amusement. "you've been talking to a gorgeous girl but you haven't even gotten her name yet?"
hold up.
did tyler fucking joseph just call me gorgeous?!?
calm down ash, you know he's dating jenna.
while i'm having an inner argument with myself (cringe) josh and tyler seem to be having a mental conversation consisting of prolonged eye contact and a lot of eyebrow-raising on tyler's part. finally, they turn away from each other...
and look at me.
"what's your name, sweetheart?" tyler asks me. i blush automatically at the pet name, but can't respond.
fuck me and my muteness, why can't this be like a fanfiction where i just open my mouth and start talking?
what if...?
i open my mouth, and...
nope. nada. not happening. can't do it.
i let out a tiny sigh, frustrated with myself for being mute in front of my hometown heroes.
"hey, you okay?" tyler asks hesitantly, bringing me out of my brief reverie.
damn, i gotta stop doing that.
before i can stop myself, i'm signing to him.
my name's ashley. i don't really talk.
dumb fuck, he probably doesn't understand sign language.
"oh, that's okay," tyler replies, looking relieved. "i was just worried. it's nice to meet you, ashley."
my eyes go wide as i process the fact that he understood me.
wait, what?

[A.N.] ok true story i used to think josh had blue eyes i don't even
also if you liked this part or even if you didn't, don't forget to comment, vote, and share! (how do i check where it is do i just go scroll through the tags help)
the more comments i get, the more inspired i get to write. and who went to the hometown show? i'm suffering severe post-concert depression it was so great

colors {on hold - check last chapter}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz