Chapter 7: Who Are You?

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Chapter 7: Who Are You?

"I'll see you downstairs." I said to Harley as I combed through my hair while sliding my feet into my shoes.

My roomates and I woke up late so we all had to scramble to take a shower and get ready before the bus leaves.

"Hurry up. You have seven minutes." Harley said, then closed the door behind her.

I go through my things for my waterbottle and sunscreen. Everytime we went off to a place, the sun was always bright and hot. I grabbed my phone and bagpack. I ran down to the lobby and caught the bus right on time. I was about to exit the lobby but a couple of men got in my way. I longingly looked at the bus. There was a line of students as they stepped in one by one.

I looked at the two men who were still in front of me. They were both wearing black suits and earpieces. I was about to excuse myself and step pass them when another man entered the lobby and walked through the two men. He stopped right in front of me and took his hands out of his pocket to take his glasses off.

I frowned in confusion as the man that helped me get home from the hospital, smiled and bowed. I felt obligated to bow, as well.

"Hello, miss." He said, then straightened up. "It is nice to see you, again." His smile was bright but something else caught my attention. Something about his smile seemed strained.

"Hello." I said. I had nothing else to say to the man other than to let me pass through his guards to get to my bus, so I remained silent. I didn't want to be rude.

"I'm sorry, my name is Shin Yuhan. Ah, I'm sorry." He bowed again and chuckled. "I forgot. My first name is Yuhan. Yuhan Shin." He smiled. He put his hand forward for me to shake.

I took it, hoping that it would be the end of our conversation.

"I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry. My bus is about to leave to Seoraksan National Park." I said. I looked at the bus and the last few students were getting ready to step inside the bus.

"Miss?" I realized then that I still haven't given him my name.

"My name is Spencer Dahl." I said.

"Miss Dahl, I've been sent here because someone wants to thank you for what you did last week."

"I'm honored for his thanks, but I really have to go." I was about to step aside when he blocked my way.

"He wants to see you, miss Dahl." He said.

I stopped the next few words that were about to yell for the bus when he mentioned the mysterious man wanting to see me. I looked at him to see if he was telling the truth, and he was. It made sense now why he's here.

"Maybe, we can meet another time." I told him. Thankfully, I found my voice.

"We will give you a ride to Seoraksan, if that is what you are worried about." He said.

I shook my head. "No, thank you. You helped me get home and I thank you for that. Right now, other people need my help." I looked over at the bus to see if anyone was looking my way and thankfully, one of our teachers came over. It was my Health Theories professor, Mrs. Harrison.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" She said to the man. His two body guards came closer, probably to hold the big woman down, but Mr. Shin motioned for them to stay.

Mr. Shin bowed in front of Mrs. Harrison, and she did as well.

"Hello, my name is Yuhan Shin." The man looked miniature compaired to Mrs. Harrison.

"What can I help you with?" She said. She smiled at the man. I don't blame her. Their smiles are very contagious.

"Miss Dahl has been requested to come see the man she rescued last week. If that's okay with you, we would like to bring her to him and give her our gratittude."

Mrs. Harrison frowned. "Why didn't he just come here, then? Other than taking the girl somewhere we don't know?"

He chuckled. "He had to be admitted for a minor concussion. That's why he sent me to bring her."

Mrs. Harrison, thankfully, wouldn't budge. "But I don't understand why it is so urgent for her to go and see her."

I thanked her with a smile.

He suddenly grabbed his back pocket for his wallet and took out a small card. "Here is proof that I am not lying to you. I work for KB Entertainment. If you don't believe me, please call that number. They will be able to tell you who I am." He said.

I looked at Mrs. Harrison to try to get a clue at what she might be thinking. But this woman is tough. Her facial expressions don't give anything away.

She studied the card for a while and then flipped it over. She asked for a pen and Mr. Shin gave her one hesitantly. She wrote something down on the back of the card and once she finished she gave it to Mr. Shin.

"That is the place where we are holding the mission tent. If she doesn't turn up at that area before twelve in the afternoon, I will call the police to come and get you." She turned to me. "It is your choice if you want to come with that man. You know all our numbers so contact us if anything happens, okay?"

I nodded, stiffly. I still couldn't believe that Mrs. Harrison of all people gave me permission to skip the first few hours of volunteering.

A part of me wanted to ignore the man and avoid seeing the mysterious Noel Park again, but a greater part of me is completely curious as to why he would fetch me to come to him. I needed to know.

"I'll go with Mr. Shin and I'll be back by twelve." I told Mrs. Harrison.

She nodded then and pointed a final glare at the man. He bowed in return. The bus left right after Mrs. Harrison got settled in her seat. I saw Harley looking out the window surprised and curious as to why I wasn't on the bus with her. I quickly texted her:

I'm going to meet Noel Park.


The drive to Seoul was uneventful, but I was starting to get annoyed at Mr. Shin as he kept glancing at me. It didn't take long before we were finally in front of a very big house sporting a hard, black metal gate in our way. The gate opened automatically and allowed us in. After the security guard checked the passengers we continued on our way.

On the front yard, a black marble fountain became the first accessory I saw of the house before I saw the house itself.

It took everything in me not to gasp and show surprise at how magnificent the house was but in the end I couldn't hide all of it. Every fiber in my body responded to the size and design of the house. I couldn't even describe the design because the veranda of the house that was brown marble immediately commanded my attention. My brain was still pretty much shocked at the grandiosity of the exterior, so when I saw the interior I was just completely taken away.

Many things were made of glass. Finely furnished furniture decorated the front entrance. There were Victorian style walls, Greek style curtains and other style well known in history. Although the mixture of different nations in one house seemed too much, it gave the house a sense of diversity and unity. Together, they all fit right in.

While I admired paintings on the wall, I was then taken to a waiting room where I was asked to wait for Noel Park.

I looked around the waiting room to discover a window covered by a light curtain. It was flowing freely with the wind so I walked to it and saw the sea of grass. It seemed endless from here if it wasn't for the lake that continued from the grass. Now that seemed more endless than the green sea.

"Nu-gu sae-yo?"

I jumped at the sudden interruption so I quickly turned around to see who it was. Like everything else in this house, the person in front of me surprised me.

"Ah! Spencer, it's you!" Kevin exclamed. His brilliant smile suddenly vanished and was replaced with confusion. "But, what are you doing in my house?"

"Uh.." I replied. Smart.

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Oh yah the korean part means: who are you?

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