The Snake and the Soldier

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Here I am on the fateful stairs
I keep on saying those pathetic prayers
That maybe today
The menace and my unhappiness will go away

My heart is bruised
I want to go away
With such an ennemy it's not a surprise that I feel so astray
Because being worthless makes him amused.

If you don't want to react
Maybe the sky will want me
I don't want this fight anymore, I have no more faith, pardon me
But frankly, what are the means of me getting attacked?

I'm a little wood soldier
Gone everyday to fight this fire
I'd take a bazooka, I'm this close to the paranoia monster
I'm always persuaded to see pointed fingers
But I shut my mouth and wait for a life closure.

Mocked, insulted, rejected, that's so routine...
Why all this? Why am I torn to pieces?
Because I'm not like those divas
In this little univers, looking for other casanovas?
I'll never be like them. I prefer guillotine!

I cried rivers of tears
Saltier and more bitter than oceans
Reporting is the arm against my fear
But it will make my ennemy more ferocious.

I can hear the hissing of the snakes
I think about paying Hell's Angels as bodyguards, I'm serious
To avoid this imbecile, his servants and his ostentatious attempts
To reduce my life to being hurt by his words so venomous
Sticking to my brain and ringing through my mind like a horrible chant
But if they tell me so, maybe am I so insignificant as they make me guess.

I just want a hand, just for a while!
Suicide terrifies me and I haven't reached the bottom after all.
There's a light on top of the stormy sky.

It's yours to tell me if the light is the sun going away
It's yours to tell me if it's your hand, wanting to pull me
Pull me out of bullying, this never ending whole where while we fall we see dark only
This ocean where we the drowning is forgotten hardly
It's yours to tell me what you're going to do when another one takes its own life.

(Translated and adapted from French)

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