Extra Chapter Three: Jealousy

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AN: Hey, I decided to start taking requests for this one. If you have a particular scene you want me to write, comment below.
For this chapter my friend wanted a jealous Zoro.
Zoro and Sanji have a perfectly reasonable and healthy relationship.
They support and trust each other completely.
Why wouldn't they? Zoro did never give Sanji a reason to worry and neither did Sanji.
So why was this happening?
Everytime the swordsman saw someone touch his boyfriend he would get frustrated and angry in no time. Jealousy, he knew it was, but he would never admit it.
It was his problem and he did not want to worry Sanji when he knew it was only his mind acting unrisonably, so he did not talk about it with him, he even tried to hide it from him. Even if he knew he shouldn't hide things from his love cook, he was doing a great job of not showing his possessive feelings.
Until, one day, he couldn't anymore.
They had once again stoped to get supplies in a lively island when the pair had decided to split up, Zoro not wanting to disturb the cook with his poor knowledge of picking out food ingridients.
He had walked around for a while and gone to a shop to grab lunch. After about 2 hours he went to the market to find his boyfriend.
It didn't take him long to spot his golden blonde hair, so he started walking in that direction only to stop dead in his tracks.
The man he was curently buying from had a hand in his shoulder and Sanji his head thrown back in laughter, enjoying it.
Calm down, Zoro. They are propably exited over food supplies or something. He can't just find someone else in two hours!
Unless he is someone he knew, someone he liked, and now he is gonna dump you to be with him again.
No, stop that! You know Sanji hasn't been with any other man, you talked about it together!
The two opposing voices in his head got annoying, so he went back to the ship without making a sceen.
He was sure Sanji had an explanation.
He trusted him, it was other men he didn't trust.
When Sanji came back half an hour later, Zoro still hadn't cleared his thoughts.
"I am back", Sanji said excitedly.
When Zoro didn't move to hug him or even aknowledge his presence, he knew something was wrong. He was so sad when they had to part ways, what happened to upset him in the meantime?  
"Zoro is something wrong?", he decided there was no reason to not ask him about it.
The green haired man just shrugged as an answer.
"Come on!", Sanji took a step closer to the gloomy man, "Talk to me".
A second or two after seing his adorable boyfriend's pouting face, Zoro gave in.
"Really", he said, "It's stupid...Unreasonable even". Sanji sighed, "I don't care, just talk to me. That's how are relationship works".
The green haired man admired his boyfriend for staying so calm even whe he himself was acting like a pampered child, so he decided to talk, "Earlier I got bored alone so I looked for you in the market a-and....I so you being friendly with another man. I felt so jealous and posessive, it scared me, made me angry with myself".
Sanji rushed to sit next to him, "Zoro, you know I would never do anything like that, right?"
"I know, what bothered me was my reaction. It was so unreasonable and immature to act like that when I knos you so well".
The blonde cook ran his hands through the swordsman hair, effectively calming him, "It's okay".
"Really?", Zoro asked, "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew how I felt that moment".
Sanji smiled reasuringly, "Sometimes we can't control how we feel. What matters to me is that how you felt didn't affect the way you thought, you knew that your jealousy was unreasonable so you left rather than making a scene. I appreciate that, especially when I know that you are always ready to drow your katana".
"I think I just fell in love with you again".
"Thank you", the blonde climbed on the other one's lap and kissed him slowly but deeply.
"And thank god you didn't make a scene, I would have kicked your ass!".
A week later, when a man decided that it would be a good idea to sit next to Zoro, right fucking next to him, and flirt with him, right in fucking front of Sanji, the later man did not act that calmly.
They both went back to the ship running. Seing the look on their faces, Nami became woried and asked about what had happened.
"Sorry we were late", Sanji apologised, "I had to cut a bitch down".
AN: I don' even have an excuse for not updating for months. Yes, you can cut this bitch (me) down.
Writer's block, schoolwork etc etc.
And thank you so much for the 1k reads! It's my first story to hit that many!

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