Extra Chapter 2: Moments

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Moments from Sanji's and Zoro's relationship
Many people thought that Zoro called the shots in his relationship with Sanji, because of the way the blond blushed around the swordsman. Well, all those people were dead wrong. They only needed to see how they cooked together to be convinced.
"Zoro can you cut the vegetables up?", Sanji asked, looking up to face his boyfriend.
"Sure", Zoro said. After he gave him a peck on the lips, he got to work.
"Zoro", Sanji said after minutes had passed, "Not like that".
"What's the difference?", the taller man asked, but put the knife down anyway. He knew that voice, Sanji was angry.
"There is a difference", he informed, "And now I'll have to use these because I absolutely cannot waste food".
Recalling his story, Zoro smiled, understanding, "Teach me then", he said, his voice low and seductive.
"As if", he laughed, "The best you can do right now is leave the kitchen so I can finish already".
"You wound me", Zoro pointed at his heart.
"You'll manage", Sanji went back to cooking again.
Zoro kissed him and left.
One night Sanji woke up crying.
Zoro rushed to his side, alarmed.
"Did you have a nightmare?", he asked while checking for fever or any other signs of sickness.
"No", Sanji answered, "It was a good dream".
"Why are you crying then?", Zoro looked confused.
"I found the All Blue", he explained, "I cried because I thought it was real".
The swordsman took both of his boyfriend's hands in his, "Sanji", his voice was determined and firm, "I will help you find the All Blue".
"How?", the cook questioned, "You really have no sense of direction".
Zoro left the room while Sanji burst out laughing.
One day Sanji decided to get Zoro a present.
He was wandering the streets of the city they currently were in for supplies, but no idea came to him.
Then he saw it, a huge bottle of sake, it was not the size that impressed him though.
After he payed for the alcohol the seller told him that he had made an exellent choice.
"But why is it called like that?", he wondered.
"Beats me", the man answered.

Later when he gave Zoro the sake, he got a totally different reaction from the one he was exptecting.
Zoro was smiling like a child who had just found candy.
"You actually like it?", the blonde sounded surprised.
"Of course", the taller one answered honestly, "This will keep them away from my booze!".
Since that day, Zoro has been keeping his sake safe in "Marimo's Sake" bottle Sanji bought him.
Zoro bought a new sword, its blade was slim and golden, it was not the type he would use to fight, but he bought it anyway... For reasons.
Why lie to himself? He got it because it reminded him of Sanji.
That's why he would never use it to fight, that's also why he actually named it Sanji, but no one had to know about that.
Sanji knew that when someone asked him what he liked best about his boyfriend, he should answer something like his heart or character.
When Nami asked him, though, he couldn't help it. Have you seen the man? Like his face? His body? You were practically sinning just by looking at him.
"His back muscles", he answered, no regrets.
Nami smirked.
AN: That was short, but I really really needed to write some fluff right now.

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