3. Caught

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I tried knocking and banging on the doors, but no one was out...it was useless. I was scared, there's no way I'll get out of this. I unbuckled my seat belt and looked around the car. I looked into the seat pockets , but I just found trash. I looked into the glove department which was full of dirty papers and dirty letters. I grabbed all of them at once and searched through them. I checked each one, most of them were coupons and advertisement letters. One paper fell out. It was an address but you were hardly able to read what it said considering it was crumpled and ripped. I looked at more stuff. There was nothing useful at all! I continued to look when I found a picture. The date was back on February 7, 1994. I turned to see what the picture actually was of. It was a boy holding and hugging an older lady laying on a bed with wires all over her. She was sick. The little boy smiled, but you can tell by the crease in his forehead that he was worried. I then realized that it was Matthew. I slowly put all the stuff back as if nothing happened when the door unlocked.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled, causing his vein in his neck to pop out.

"I- uh." He grabbed all the papers and shoved them all into the glove department. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out slamming the car door.

"I thought I told you NOT TO MOVE!" He spat in his deep accent.

All I did was mumble a 'sorry' looking down. He walked me towards a room in the motel and opened it with the key. He pushed me in causing me to trip and scrape my knee. I looked up quickly at him. I was thinking of yelling, hoping that someone would find me, then running. Thanks for ruining my plan. He just walked into the restroom, so much for helping. I sat there watching my knee bleed. Honestly, I'm not scared of him to the point I'll cry when I see him. I just find him as an annoying jerk face who kidnapped me. He came back out with a wet towel. He knelt down by my side and held it gently on my knee.

"I'm sorry," he said looking me in the eyes. Is he serious? He has so many different sides to him. I've been stuck with him for barely over a day. I looked back at him for a second, but looked back down at my knee.

"It's fine." I say, taking the towel away from him.

He looked away then looked back at my knee. He grabbed a band aide from his pocket and put it on the damaged skin. He helped me up. "I think we should sleep now...we have to wake pretty early since it's like 3am." He stated. I nodded in response, I walked towards the bed pulling the sheets off so that I could get In.

"Haha. You're funny." He jumped onto the bed, taking off his shirt, "It's either the couch or the floor."

Such a gentleman. This man is worse than Britney Spears. I walked towards the couch climbing onto it. He threw me a blanket that landed on my face. Well then. I covered myself expecting to be full of warmth, yet I still was chattering and shivering. The couch first of all didn't have any cushions and it was too small for me to be in, so my feet hanged off it.

About an hour had passed and I'm still awake and in pain. I thought of all the ways I can escape. He does have a gun...

I widened my eyes. I heard his snores hoping he was actually asleep. I got up from the couch tiptoeing over to him. I checked under the bed and around it. Where is that stupid little thing? That's when I noticed the black metal hiding under his pillow. Great. I reached for it slowly when he turned over causing my heart to race. He put his hand on the gun. I poked his hand to see if he would move. Nothing. I slowly peeled his fingers off the gun. Success. I grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger, pointing it at his head shaking like a cold chihuaha. I squint my eyes and shoot.

Nothing happened, suddenly there was chuckling. Matt's awake? He turns around.

"Babe. Do you really think I'll have a loaded gun with you in the same room?" I started to freak again. He's actually smart!? "Oh, and don't even think about running away." I gulped walking back to the couch. No, he's not one step ahead of me. He's one mile ahead of me.

"Don't think I won't forget about this." He added. So much for escaping.

I woke up startled by a loud horn and a sharp turn. I turned and saw it was Mattew. JESUS!

"Where are we?" I asked confused, pretty much blinded by the light.

"In the UK." He replied simply.

Wow I had totally not known that already.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"For about 3 hours."

He obviously wasn't in the mood to talk. He was serious when he said he wouldn't forget. I looked around the car. The picture of the boy and his sick mother was there in the cup holder. I stared at the picture long and hard regretting the fact that I was looking through his stuff. Especially his private stuff.

"Before she passed she told me three things." He said, not taking his eyes off the road. "Oh how I've let her down." He sighed.

What does that even mean? Three things?


Hi !!

your bones - healy Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz