The Junior Selection Camp! Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Well then, in conclusion, I'll introduce the rest of the staff." Ryuzaki announced. "During this camp, this staff of specialists will be looking after everybody's meals, health care, etc." Besides them was the cook, nurse, referee, and trainer.

"And these are the volunteers who will be helping out." On the other side of Ryuzaki were the usual freshmen from different schools. Ann, the ichiban trio, Sakuno bowed. "Nice to meet you." Only Tomoka stood their smiling. Hyotei's female tennis club captain, Alikaya Mira was also their. Standing their smugly. A few of the Hyotei tennis club members slightly grimaced at the sight of her.

Tomoka jumped up excited. "Kya!! Ryoma-sama! Ryoma-sama!" Her best friend Sakuno tried to settle her down. "Ah...Tomo-chan, not now..."

Echizen blinked totally confused, then sighed while face-palming as the other teams either laughed or looked really amused.

"Okay. Dismissed." Ryuzaki-sensei said. Before the students could leave, Hanamura stopped them.

"Just a moment. The American managers had made a special announcement just recently. And you could say that we set up a bet."

Some blinked at her, "A bet?" Hanamura continued. "We will chose a special representative and they will have a match with their representative. The bet is 2 million yen."

Momo blinked, "Eh?! 2 million yen?! Isn't that kind of risky?!" Hanamura sighed, "Well the Americans pressured us to take the bet...." 'Blackmail?' that thought ran through some of the middle school's head.

"So if we lose we will pay them 2 million yen, if they lose, they will pay 2 million US dollars." "I see, so if they lose, then we get the upper hand of the bet. It makes sense since they are the ones who suggested this bet." Saeki said.

"And who will this 'special' representative be?" Sanada asked, obviously more interested in that. Hanamura smirked, "That's the interesting part, the representative not only has to play this match against the other, but they also have to perform." "Perform?!" Momo shouted.

"Yes, perform a song. I believe a source of mine said that the US representative is an idol." "Why are we going to perform a song at a tennis tournament?" Kirihara mumbled, annoyed. Ryuzaki smirked. "Ma, don't worry. We already have a representative chosen."

"Eh?!" Most of the middle schooler's exclaimed. "Chotto Matte! Isn't that unfair!" Shishido shouted. Ryuzaki-sensei gave a blank look, "Then do you think you can preform in front of thousands of people?" Shishido eyes twitched. Suddenly a snap sound was echoed.

"Ore-sama would show Ore-sama's generosity by singing Ore-sama's great voice to you pheasants!" Atobe declared with a smug look. Sakaki then spoke up for the first time with his stoic look. "Then Atobe, can you mimic a female?"

Atobe blinked, confused. Hanamura smiled, "The representative has to be a female."


"Ja, then whose the representative?!" Momo asked. Then laughter was heard. Everyone turned to look at Ryoma who was surprisingly laughing.

'Wait, WHAT?! Echizen Ryoma. THE Echizen Ryoma, the cocky kid who usually never shows his emotions except for arrogant remarks. Was laughing!? The World is going to end!'

That thought is what went through pretty much everybody's head.

Echizen then calmed down and told us with that usual cocky smirk that seemed wider then usual, "Pfft! Isn't it obvious, Momo-senpai? The only strong female tennis player around here would be....."

Pause for dramatic effect.

"......My cousin of course, Tskiyomi Aira!"


"Bing-pong! That is correct, my dear older cousin." A light fluttery voice said. Echizen turned with a smirk to see Aira behind him. Those who have never met her before stared at her.

"Eh?! Aira-san?!" A loud voice interrupted their thoughts, Kirihara ran up to her and took her hand. "Its great to see you again, Aira-san! But aren't you suppose to be taking care of Buchou?!" He said energetically.

Aira gave a light smile, "Of course, that's why he came with me." She motioned her hands to the Rikkadai Buchou who was in casual clothes in a wheel chair. "Buchou!!!" Kirihara exclaimed in pleasant surprise. "Yukimura!" Sanada shouted as he jogged up to them as well. Aira walked away to let them have their moment.

"Oi, Aira. You never told me you were taking care of the Buchou from Rikkadai." Ryoma said with a small hint of jealousy. Aira smiled a innocent smile. "Really?" Ryoma always warmed up around Aira, "Kono... Stop playing innocent!" He then jumped and nearly tackled Aira to the ground.

The other tennis members were staring shocked at the famous Seigaku rookie, who was known for being cold and cocky. Laughing and teasing with a green eyed beauty. 'Is this really the end of the world...?'

"Oi, Hime-chan, how dare you not tell Ore-sama that you were coming." Said a slightly irritated voice. Aira bowed elegantly, "Well, where's the fun in that? Atobe." Atobe smirked as he flipped his hair.

"Oi! Do you remember me, Aira-chan?" Momo interrupted. Aira raised a delicate eyebrow, "Tashika, I remember you as someone named Momoshiro Takeshi." Momo looked happy to be remembered by such a elegant and beautiful girl. "Yep, that's me Aira-chan." Momo totally ignored the glare sent by Ryoma who was mumbling under her breath. "Who gave you the permission to call my cousin by her first name...."

Fuji smile widened. "I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Fuji Syusuke. Yoroshiku." Aira smiled politely, "Yes, I remember you quite well actually, after all, you do remind me quite a lot of my patient." She gestured her head slightly to point at Yukimura. Fuji, for some reason, was happy to be remembered but slightly disappointed it was because of Yukimura.

"Ahem!" Someone coughed loudly. Everyone turned to see Hyotei's female tennis club captain looking quite annoyed. "We should get started, Ryuzaki-sensei." Ryuzaki nodded, "Ok, Dismissed!"


Mira turned and gave a really nasty glare at Aira. Too bad a lot of guys noticed it. Aira looked up and blinked, then smiled like a princess and politely waved. "Konnichiwa, Alikaya-san."

Mira gave another glare before turning around and flipping her hair as she decided that she would not grace them with her presence anymore.

Yukimura rolled the wheel chair to Aira, "Aira-chan, who was that?" Ryoma mumbled again something about how dare they use his precious cousins first name.

Aira stared at where Mira was just standing, then turned and smiled and Yukimura.

"Just someone who is giving me some fun entertainment~"

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