Chapter 1

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"One mystery I cannot figure out is why some people come into our lives and why some people go. Others become a part of you. Some friendships feel like they'll last forever and others end far too soon. Not every friendship is meant to last forever. What does last forever is the pain when that person is gone."

That's what Barry Allen said on an episode of The Flash.

I wish I had friends, actual real friends so I can somehow feel the pain when they are suddenly out of your life. I wish I could feel that kind of pain. But I'll never. The God of Social Life must've damned me to never have friends.

How could people say that they don't want to be in hell after they die? Like hey, living in this shitty judgmental world is enough to be called hell. You've lived through hell and why are you wishing to not be in hell after you die? Oh the irony.

"Honey, open the door. I wanna talk to you." That's my mom. She has been trying to speak to me after last night when she and Dad told me that I was moving schools to Philippines in the MIDDLE OF THE YEAR.

It took me 5 years to finally have an acquaintance in school whom I can casually talk to. And then I'm moving again? What's left of me?

"Levi please. Look, I'm sorry if this is sudden, but just please let me discuss this with you." My mother begged as she continuously knocked on my door.

I'm not angry at anyone, not my mom and neither my dad. They are both really nice to me who has always made me feel loved. I'm just a little pissed because I don't have any idea to properly interact with people, Filipino people.

"Levi, if you don't open this door, Mommy's gonna kick this down and drag you of there, right here and now." My mother told me in a nice-angry kind of tone. I immediately paused what I'm watching and jolted up to open the door because I don't want a broken door.

My mother was a black-belter in Taekwondo in her younger years as a form of self-defense. On my accurate count, she has broken 8 doors down in this house and I wouldn't want to increase the count.

My opened the door right before my mom could kick it down.  "Look honey, I'm so-"

"No mom, I'm fine. Everything's okay and I understand all your intentions." I cut her up because she'd probably make a long speech.

"You're not okay. You wouldn't be locking yourself in this room if you're okay."

"I'm fine, believe me. I'm just a little bit scared and... pissed at the same time. That's a whole lot of new people I will encounter and interact with." I answered as I looked down. I've always had social anxiety ever since I was a kid. I was even medically diagnosed with it by our family's psychiatrist.

"That's my greatest worry honey, I know. But I believe you can do it. I believe you can make friends-"

I scoffed a little and rolled my eyes as I looked down on the floor. Make friends? Hah, never.

"... or maybe not? Look, we're moving there temporarily and I just want to grant your father's request. He wants us to experience the environment he grew up with."

"I'm very well aware of that." I told and she smiled.

"I know you did. So, you're gonna finish your high school there and as am exchange for you for being an obedient child, we could let you study college in... what was that again?"

"California Institute of Technology.. Really?" That college is the finest in the the world when it comes to sciences and it's my dream school ever since I read about it in the internet.

"That's a promise." My mother smiled and patted my head. "By the way, uhhh.. wait here for a second."

She dashed off and took something from downstairs. It was a book, a English-Tagalog language book.

"Mom, actually uhh.."

She glared at me probably thinking that she went through trouble just to buy me that book.

"... actually I need it." I finished my sentence and she shoved the book on my chest.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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