"Y-you're on!" Lightning said. At this point, their walking pace subconsciously became quicker, leaving the others behind.

"H-hey" Yaya said worriedly.

"Hehe. Never mind about them Yaya. I just want to see how this plays out" Earth said while Wind nodded in agreement.

"Huh?" Ying wondered and scratched her head with a puzzled expression.

Fang and Lightning

The two walked further into the haunted house. So far, nothing had jumped in to scare them yet.

Lightning wondered why did it seemed awfully quiet by then. Heck, not even a single sound from the others. He then looked back, only to see nothing. He became horrified.

"What's wrong? Getting sc-eh!?" Fang looked back while asking, and was horrified by the absence of others at the back.

"Where did they go?!" Fang exclaimed. Almost in response, Lightning and Fang immediately detected a presence nearby. The two made the grave mistake of turning to the front.

Earth, Wind, Yaya and Ying

"GUYAAA!!!!!!!" the four heard screams of two familiar voices. Earth and Wind was shocked at first but then started to laugh at what they heard. Yaya and Ying were confused.

"Haiya! Why are you laughing?" Ying asked in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, it's just that we-pfft... remembered something" Earth said while holding his laughter in.

"Either way, we should go look for the two" Yaya reminded them before the four continued walking.

Shortly after, the four stopped walking only to discover Fang and Lightning, both fainted on the ground. Wind and Earth once again laughed.

"Ahaha!! Who knew Fang was quite a scaredy cat himself. Ahahahaha!!!" Wind laughed.

"You know, it's not nice to laugh at people like that. Plus, technically you're also laughing at yourself" Yaya said.

"Yalo!" Ying said.

"BWAHH!!!" Suddenly a new voice came shocking the children.

"WAAAHHH!!" they screamed, but was not as much like Fang and Lightning, who had fainted. After the initial shock, they saw a rather, poorly designed monster costume. In fact, jump scares would be the only way to actually scare people in that outfit.

"Oooo... run children! Run for the sake of justice!" the 'monster' spoke. Upon hearing the voice as well as the word 'Justice', Earth and Wind looked at each other.

"Hey... that sounded familiar" the two said. It was then the four managed to put two and two together and widened their eyes.

"Mr. Papa!?" the four exclaimed.

"Uh... what are you talking abooouuuut?" the 'monster' said, stretching the word 'about' for more realism. The children rolled their eyes.

"Just drop the act. We know who you are" Yaya said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, okay. It was me, okay?" the 'monster' removed it's head, revealing Papa Zola, 5 Jujur's Maths and P.E teacher as well as a Super Hero within his own world brought out to the actual world.

"Yalo! Why are you here, teacher?" Ying asked.

"W-well you see, Justice obviously needed income, so I came here to look for a part time job. In the end I founded this job while waiting for the holidays to end" Papa Zola explained.

Coincidentally, Ying noticed a small moving object moving on Yaya's head, seemingly moving towards her face. If that was cockroaches, that would mean the end of them all. See, Yaya was actually afraid of cockroaches. Encounter one and she'll give of a huge and powerful shockwave.

This was why Ying nearly freaked out once she saw the moving object. Earth and Wind totally forgot about it and noticed without doing anything. All they did was stare at the unfolding events.

Yaya soon noticed the object between her eyes which revealed itself to be... a cockroach.

Outside, with Gopal

As Gopal waited outside for his friends, he felt glad for going in. Chances are he might have accidentally turned the house into food, and that will cause some pretty bad issues.

"KYAAA!!!!!" Gopal heard from the haunted house. He only sweat dropped. He thought that Lightning and Fang would be scared that badly. Then there was the large and powerful shockwave that Yaya created. In fact it was genuinely coming from a female. Gopal only had one guess.

Yaya must have encountered another cockroach.

(Re-uploaded only with slight edit)

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