Great Father

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The Next Morning

Elliot looked over Olivia to find her still sleeping. He knew she must have been still tired from all the events of yesterday.
He got up putting on gym shorts then walked to Maureen & Kathleen's room

He opened the door, standing in the door way
"Kathleen!" He said loudly but quiet cause others were sleeping

Kathleen was sitting on the bed while Maureen sat on the floor both them just talking being teenagers

Kathleen looked up at him

"How could you do that!" Elliot said a little loudly

"I'm not the one who's doing anything. Y'all are the ones who's going around getting together destroying marriages." Kathleen uttered

"Kathleen. Liv didn't ruin your mom's and I marriage. We both just fell out love. Honestly!"
He walked and sat on the bed beside Kathleen
"Now you can blame me, hate me, or whatever for it, but don't bring Liv into it!"
Elliot was upset with his daughter. Not like this in a long time.
"You really hurt her feelings Kathleen. And you will apologize!" He said sternly
Elliot got up and walked out the room he couldn't take this anymore.
He walked into the empty living room.
Elliot paced slowly around it, tears dropping. He hated the fact they were being so mean to Liv. He hated the fact every reason why she was scared, and didn't wanna tell them, turned out happening. He hated that she was so hurt. He also hated that his kids felt that that's why their parents aren't together. He wouldn't dare leave them unless he really had to.

Maureen & Kathleen's Room

They both looked dumbfounded.

"I just don't understand." Maureen said from the floor looking elsewhere. "How could dad go off on me for being upset? He obviously chooses Liv over me." Kathleen said softly

Maureen just sat shaking her head

"Does he not realize my feelings are hurt too!? And he just comes fussing at me? Taking her side!" Kathleen hollered

"Kathleen. It's Liv. We all used to love Liv. I think if maybe dad's going off that bad, and saying Liv is really that hurt, then it maybe is true. That she didn't take him away from their marriage. Liv is a sweet person, in all honesty, I just can't believe she would do something like that..."

There was a moment of silence in the girl's room

"I know." Kathleen said softly

Before Maureen could say what she was about to, Elliot walked in.

"Kathleen, I'm sorry." He said walking to his daughter sitting and hugging her.

Kathleen finally let tears drop. She was like her dad. She was never going to cry unless she absolutely was at the finish line and just can't take anymore.

"Daddy I was hurting and you just kept yelling at me taking her side!" Kathleen cracked.

"I know. Baby I'm sorry. I was just really upset that any of you could even think Liv could do such a thing." El said rubbing her back

"We know and we thought it all over after you left." Maureen added in

"If you added it up, that's how it seemed." Kathleen sniffled

"I know, and I'm sorry. I should've talked to you before going off on you. But no baby, never say I took Liv's side. No matter how much I love Liv, my love for you will never go. Your my child. My second child. You'll always be my first choice no matter what." He kissed her forehead long and hard
"Now don't ever let me hear you say I chose Liv over you again, you hear me?"

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