I followed them behind to the living room and for a few seconds, it felt strange to me. I always spend my time in my room and I try to avoid coming out of it as much as possible. I had a hard time controlling the scorn and disgust that were threatening to show. They both were comfortable displaying PDA in front of me as if I wasn't aware of their relationship just a few minutes ago. They had trouble restraining their attraction and I had the sudden urge to throw up.

The libidinous couple awards of the year goes to— surprise, surprise— David and his young mistress.

"How's school going, Angel?" he asked, his fake sweetness sickening me, slightly because his true colours where yet to he revealed when it was too late to step back. I wasn't used to his suffocating sugar-coated act and it made me realise just how much I despise David. I hate him. I can't stand looking at his face without the sudden urge to throw up.

David became my worst nightmare and I can't seem to wake up anytime soon. Maybe I was destined to stay trapped in this nightmare.


"As a family, we need to get to know each other." Melissa finally broke the silence that has settled between us."I really feel happy to be in this family." She then stared at David with a look of tenderness and deep affection, "I'm so happy to with you, David."



What a complete and utter joke.

Melissa reminded of an oblivious student who was always two steps back of what was happening.

I looked at Melissa and her sweet smile made me feel deeply guilty of what was going to happen later on. She was supremely in love and the saying 'love is blind' really did fit her situation. David could murder someone and she would blame the victim for annoying him. It was love, ladies and gentlemen. It was a curse.

"Of course," he agreed, his eyes glancing back to mine with rage and I could hear a smirk in his tone. He was trying to get on my nerves. As if he doesn't do that with just breathing. "We are a loving family."

"Indeed. Tell me Romoe, how did you two meet each other?" I crossed my leg over the other, smirking. Annoying him became a hobby to me.

"We met in a bar, he was drunk out of his mind," Melissa answered instead; while on the other hand David was glaring at me,"we can gossip about it later," she added after a thought as she smiled.

Was she that sweet or it's just an act?

Caring wasn't in my dictionary nor loving. I became immune to this word.

Melissa broke the silence with their first meeting. She didn't realise my lack of response was due to lack of interest on the subject. Did I care about their romantic dinner? No. Did I care about their gifts on Valentine's Day? Hell no.

Much to my dismay, I had to comment on a few words she said to avoid her feeling unwanted and David's glare that was ordering me to speak any word.

"Interesting. Nice. Amazing. I've never seen this in movies even. What a lovely story. Excuse me, I need to get a few tissues. I think I'm not emotionally stable after hearing this romatic story." I stood up, giving her a plastered smile on my face.

"I cooked pasta, dear. I hope you like it." Melissa informed me with a huge grin. "David says I'm a great cook and gave me a list on the things you love."

A list I love? Did that include pizza and McDonald's food? Did he list things that I absolutely loathe? That makes more sense.

She was way too nice and accommadating. She was blinded by love. It was depressing, really.

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