The saga of Syrus and Ember!

Start from the beginning

"My lady, was this a wise choice to leave the boy behind?" He asked. Ember sighed.

"I am not sure Haya, but well I had to make one and we can't go back now can we?" she asked the spirit. Haya squeaked a little and nodded.

"I am not sure we can return, even if we did my lady, the boy will properly have gone by now"He said and got up from the ground "Are you not sure I shall accomplice you on your journey?".Ember smiled and nodded. Haya was so sweet.

"Yes I am sure. Your armor is making to much noise to sneak around here in this world and it also makes all the animals aware I am here" She said "It is not easy to get something to eat". Haya sighed deeply and nodded.

"As you wish my lady. If you ever need me however, don't hesitate in calling me" then the bird warrior disappeared. Ember sighed. Spirits could be overprotective sometimes. She sighed again. She had rested enough for now. She got up when she suddenly could hear voices. Ember was not sure why, but she had a feeling she needed to find out whose it was. She couldn't explain it. Normally she would never go near anything who in some way could be dangerous, and that was mostly everything in this world. She was also not fond of meeting strangers at all. However for some reason she walked towards the voices.

The closer she came to the voices the easier it was for her to hear them. She had figured out it was two different voices. A male's voice and another one. Ember thought maybe it was one of the monsters in this world. She had heard some of the fiends talking in a village once after all. They sounded weird. She walked closer and now she could hear what they were talking about. She quickly hid somewhere.

"It has finally begun. HE has finally awoken".

"I can't believe you did that to him. I can't believe you are doing this to my best friend. Forcing me to watch and do nothing, when he need me the most" the male voice said "So let me go so I can kick your sorry butt and help Jaden". Jaden?! Someone who knew Jaden? Ember couldn't believe it. Was there someone she knew?

"You will do no such thing boy, or actually you can't do a thing. You are only my little plaything, my tool of vengeance and are nothing more". The male voice sneered. Ember's heart was beating pretty fast. A person who knew Jaden and wanted to help him, but couldn't. She really hoped this was not true. She walked a little closer and was hiding by each tree. The voices was still talking.

"Oh really, why are you keeping me conscious then. I will be less annoying, you can make your work done quickly and the two you seek would properly both be in your care then" the male voice. The other weird voice actually laughed a little.

"You amuse me. You really think there is no reasons behind that you are still awake. Jaden is not the only one who should be in pain. You will suffer as well. Seeing your best friend hurt when you can do nothing must hurt right Jesse. Hope you regret meddling". Ember couldn't take it anymore. Now that she knew it was Jesse, she couldn't wait a second later. She didn't care about the danger either.

"Jesse!" she yelled and rushed forward. She arrived at a little clearing. Not bigger than the one at the lake. She saw a cloaked person standing there all by himself. Ember stopped up and looked around. There were only one person in here, but she heard two? Has the other one left? She, hesitated, walking towards the person.

"Are.. you.. Jesse?" she said in a low voice almost a whisper. The cloaked person moved and was now standing with it's back towards her. Seconds later the hoody fell down and Ember could see some blue hair she could recognize everywhere. It was Jesse's blue hair. Then she could hear the person sigh.

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