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((Prussia is a virgin-y dork who is scared of boobs.

Canada is just as buff as America, but hides it under bulky clothing.

America is secretly jealous of Canada's hair.

France, contrary to popular belief, has not slept with every nation. He only sleeps with those who want to share passionate night (and maybe future nights ;) ), just like him.

Canada is secretly a hipster.

England gets nervous when he cooks for other people and messes up, burning the food. He's excellent with tea because it calms him down.

Italy lays awake some nights and wonders how life would have been if HRE had come back.

Hungary hates wearing dresses and being overly girly, but loves to dress up other people (whether they are female or not)

Denmark likes to use American slang to annoy the other Nordics. It's working (especially with Norway)

Japan is afraid of fireworks. America feels extremely guilty. 

America can cook fish and chips, he just likes hambugers better.

Finland didn't forget to give Canada a present for Christmas and Canada looks forward to a present every year (he makes sure to give one in return, though.)

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