Hard Day, Soft Spot~2P!Canada X Reader by ~DJ-Sky-Storm-117

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  • Dedicated to by ~DJ-Sky-Storm-117

DJ: I apsalutly loved this one! hehehe I love you Canada!

  The roaring flames in the fireplace were spraying waves of warmth to you you’re your cocoon position on the couch. Wrapped up in super soft blankets, you peered out the large cabin windows at the weathery night. Snow was cascading down from the heavens, each heavy blow of it slightly worrying you more as your gaze went to the clock, counting each second. 

  The speed of the falling was a problem, but the sound of the front door slamming open relieved your worries, turning to look up at the broad shadowed figure in the doorway grumbling curses as he knocked the snow from his boots, placing his bloody hockey stick against the closet. You smiled kindly as he shook the white snowflakes from his wavy blonde hair, getting up and going to him as he slowly peeled off his gloves and unbuttoned his Mounties jacket.

  Standing in front of him, you reached a hand out to him, but yanked it back swiftly. His black T-shirt was freezing cold and sopping wet, making a stern gaze color your eyes.

  “What?” He growled, not even looking at you from behind his shades, a few smears of crimson tainting his cheek.

   “Your going to get sick with that one. Take it off.” 

   He huffed, too tired to fight as he yanked the thing off, his sculpted chest and abdomen glistening in the fire light. Thank the Lord his pants were dry, as you took his hand and led him to the couch. You pushed him onto it, crawling onto his lap and nuzzling under his chin sweetly. He chuckled, drawing a blanket over you two as one hand strayed to your head and ran down through your (H/C) hair. 

  “That bad of a day?” You asked, starting to warm him up with your hug. (Hugs rock.) He rumbled off problems that put chinks in his day. His voice was like thunder in the distant, soft and powerful. 

  “And then the idiot actually tried to hit me with the club. Hit me! Like that would ever be possible.” He sneered, his violet eyes glowing. You nodded to him, understanding and all.

  “Never in a million years.” You cooed against his skin.

  “For sure.” He looked down, studying your face sideways. “What did you do my little Maple?”

   Shaking your head and shrugging, you replied with a nothing in particular.

   “Not much. Cleaned up, played with Kumo when he came for lunch, then just washed clothes.” You smiled slightly. “I had a feeling you were going to be unhappy, so I made you some pancakes. They’re in the kitchen, in the microwave.”

    “Eh? Your serious?!” He got excited, grinning madly in glee.

    You laughed at the cute face he was making, nodding and assuring him that pancakes were defiantly awaiting him. 

    “You’re the best.” He kissed your cheek, hopping up under you as he took off for them.

    “Indeed I am.” Chuckling, you rested back, snuggling the blankets in content. After some minutes, your boyfriend came back, a few drops of maple syrup on his lip as he climbed back under you, pulling you back onto his chest. You kissed his neck, purring at the heat he emitted. He was very warm, making you sigh contentedly as he plucked his shades off, placing them on the table as he *cuddled* you more. 

  “Thanks ____.” He spoke.

  “No problem Mattie~” You giggled evilly.

   “Don’t call me that.” Warned Matthew.

   “I so will.” Chuckling, he kissed you deeply, tasting of sweet sugar and cool mountain air. Love was burning as bright as the fire between you two, soon falling into a deep sleep in each other’s arms. And that’s how you both showed each other that you loved, by making every hard day easier with unending kindness and warmth.

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