2P!FrancexReader- Muse by-~TheAnswer-FortyTwo

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  • Dedicated to ~TheAnswer-FortyTwo,

You shivered under the thin fabric of your (f/c) jacket, cursing your parents softly under your breath as you dragged the garbage bins out to the street. Why did they have to buy a house with such a long driveway? More importantly, why did they have to send you outside in the fucking middle of the night to take out the trash? Probably the most important question of all was why were you still living at your parents’ house to be ordered around? 

You were twenty years old now. You had begun college already and were starting your new adult life. You didn’t need your parents to take care of you anymore.

And then, out of the darkness came a quiet whispering that made your blood run cold. Your name. Someone was saying your name.

“(f/n)…” it came again, deep and guttural like some beast of the night.

“Wh-Who’s there?” you squeaked, knuckles turning white on the handle of the garbage bin, “Al, that you? Matt? This isn’t a funny joke, guys…” Suddenly, you felt the urge to run back into your house and curl up in your dad’s arms for protection.

“Non, cher. Zhis is no joke.” Someone stepped out of the dark into the light of a streetlamp. Greasy, honey colored hair shone brightly in comparison to dark tanned skin and a killer five o’clock shadow.

“Who are you?” you ran through faces in your head, trying to place this stranger. You had a nagging feeling you knew him from somewhere.

“Zhat’s not important.” The man flicked a cigarette butt down to the sidewalk and crushed it under his steel-toed boot heel.

“Yeah, well it’s a bit important to me, dick face. What the hell are you doing at my house?” Your brave angry words formed so quickly on your tongue you hadn’t had time to process them but now you were scared. You shrunk down a bit behind the garbage bin, hoping it would give you some protection.

He just laughed and drained the bottle of cheap red wine in his hand before smashing it against the lamppost and beginning to walk towards you, “So brave… I zhink I picked zhe right muse.” He held up the bottle threateningly, jagged edges gleaming in the yellowish light of the streetlamp.

You took a step back, unable to take your eyes off the wine bottle. “I-I’ll scream,” you threatened, “My parents are in that house. They’ll hear me and call the police.”

“You still live with your parents?” the man snickered, “Sad.” 

You opened your mouth to object but then he rushed at you, slipping a hand around your waist and pulling you roughly against him.

“I know you’ll scream,” he whispered and you could smell the reek of wine on his breath, “and that’s why I can’t take you away now. But I’ll be back, mon ange.” He smiled softly at you, showing his smoke-yellowed teeth. “I promise.” He ran an edge of the broken bottle along your cheek and gently licked off the resulting blood.

You scrunched up your face, opened your mouth, and shrieked with all your might.


“What did the man look like?” asked a bored looking police officer in a monotone voice.

“He had, uh, blond hair that came down to his shoulders and these… creepy purple eyes. Um, he had some serious stubble too. The guy was pretty tall. About... this height.” You gestured with your hand, “Is that good enough?”

“Fine, ma’am. Thank you for your cooperation.” The officer’s brilliant green eyes twinkled out at you reassuringly, making you smile for the first time since you had run into the psychopath. He turned to go, reaching for the doorknob.

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