chapter 10/part 1

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So it's been a few week since the movie day and the whole thing with the with the rape thing I would rather just forget it all

So today I'm going to go pick up a few of my friends from California that are arriving at the airport in a bit which reminds me I need to get ready for that

Off course the house is spotless as always I mean duh I have maids

I quickly get changed into a pair of sweats and a talk top
As I'm leaving for the airport I hop into the black limo by myself and make my way to pick them up

I bet your wondering were Liz is huh well she is actually been hanging out with Daniel all the time since he finally grew the balls to ask her to be his girlfriend of course She said "yes" and she has been staying at his house with him let's just say he stole my best friend

Beau has been very distant he doesn't hang out with us as much he is usually hanging out with other friends of his that look like crack heads if you ask me and he always comes home at night his eyes really swelled up and he looks high as fuck but he tries to hide it I mean it's not hard his mom is never home anyways

I finally arrive at the airport and as soon as I pull up I see my crazy friend Taylyn, Skylar, and Elena some of my best friends from Cali

They squeal and run to hug me as paps swarmed us trying to get picks of us since they are all models just not those stuck up kind of models ok that's not true skylar is a little stuck up jk haha

On the way home we stop at McDonald's and get food

We finally leave and head back to my house after deciding to go out and party like old times together

We get to the house and start taking showers and getting dressed and ready tonight it just us four girls and we are ready to party


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Its September 23, 2015

Tired just trying to at least write a part









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