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Fuck!! Like seriously... damn I am so fired. This was my third time being late for work this week. My supervisor is gonna be on my ass and not in a pleasant way. As if my fucking day couldn't get any worse it started to drizzle.
Rain rain go away...

"FUCK!!!!" I yelled.

At that a thunder yelled back and the rain really started to pour. I ran to the coffee shop across the road. I might as well lie and call in sick. I went and ordered a coffee. I was freezing my balls off here as if I had balls. Lots of people came pouring in. But no one came to sit beside me.

Jeez I knew I looked like a wet rat but damn I didn't think I smelt like one. I had showered this morning.

I stared outside at the rain. It was really coming down. I could see lightening dancing over the far away horizon.

My view was suddenly slightly blocked by a black limousine.

What the fuck dude I was enjoying nature although it fucked up my day.

The door opened and a umbrella was pulled out by a guy in a suit I couldn't even see his face. I heard the bell for the coffee shop ding and I looked up. I was greeted by a fucking God.

He had the darkest hair he sure gave midnight a run for its money. His face was absolutely flawless in spite of his facial hair that seemed to just started growing back. He had one of those cute nose you could grab between two fingers and pull off like what you did with a kid telling them you got their nose.

His lips was small and pink just looking at them I could tell they were soft. He had black long eyes lash. His eyes were blue that reminded me of a cloudless sky!..Don't get me started on the body it was like the suit was made for his skin. It clung to him.

Suddenly his gaze fell on me and he walked over to me with his coffee. He said something to me I was sure of it his lips were moving. That's when he snapped his finger at me.

Earth to Ryan.

".... Sat here?"

" huh?" I snapped back to reality

" I asked if you mind if I sat here"

Oh. My. God. His voice could make me cum right here. It was so husky and sexy.

Uggghhh I mentally slapped my self. Get a grip woman. Behaving like some hormonal 16 year old.

"No not at all" I finally found my voice. I silently thank my brain. You vagina are in big trouble. I imagine if my vagina could talk it would have whimp like a little puppy.

We sat there quietly despite the constant chatty in the coffee shop. I turned to see him starring at me.

"What? Have I got something on my face" I asked

" No. But I wished you did so it would give me a reason to touch you" he smirked.

This cocky motherfucker.

" Why would you think I'd want you to touch me? And with those hands that have been God knows where" ha take that! I smiled triumphant.

He started to laugh. Talk about crazy I wasn't even trying to be funny. When I was trying no body actually laughed.

" I didn't catch your name" he said after he finished laughing at my expense

"Sarah" I decided to tell him my alias.

Thing is when ever I tell people my real name they always argue that's it a boy name. Why would my parent name me that. Like don't I know that.

"Peirce" he extended his hand to me which I reluctantly shook..

First chapter hope you like👍🏻



We Met At A Coffee Shop (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora