Chapter Ten

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Alex awoke in a cold sweat, panting.

She looked over her shoulder.


Tobin was still beside her, dressed in Alex's UCLA sweatshirt. Alex smiled, content with where she was.

She laid back down, trying to recall the dream, but all she could remember was the chaos and noise.

It was just a dream, she told herself. It's not real.

Tobin stirred, then sat up and stretched.

"Morning, Baby Horse," she yawned.

"Morning Tobes," Alex replied, smiling up at her. "You sleep good?"

"After our little celebration, you mean?" Tobin grinned. "I slept great. Although you kept hogging the covers."

"I don't hog!" she protested. "If anyone hogs, it's you! I woke up at 3am and almost fell off the bed!!"

Tobin laughed and pushed Alex onto the floor.


Tobin gasped.

"Did I hurt you?" she called, peering over the edge.

Tobin shrieked in surprise as Alex pulled her onto the floor on top of her.

"Hey!" Tobin whined, as Alex flipped her. "That's not fair!"

"Why not?" Alex asked, wrapping her in a passionate kiss.

"'Cause I'm older," Tobin pouted. "So I should get the dominance."

Alex grinned.

"But I'm taller."

"By one inch!"

Alex laughed and brushed Tobin's hair out of her face.

"You're so cute when you're pouting."

"You love it."

"I do."

Tobin smiled up at her lover, marveling at how sexy she was.

"So what are we doing today, Tobes?" Alex asked, playing with her shirt.

"Mm, I don't know, maybe play around a little bit more. I would like to go downtown. There was this great breakfast place I ate at with Hannah and her friends. Maybe we could go there with Ashlyn and Ali."

"Whatever you want," Alex smiled.


"Sorry we can't go," Ali yelled through the door. "We're just a little busy right now!"

"That's fine!" Alex yelled back. "Don't be too loud!"

Tobin laughed.

"They're so cute together," she rolled her eyes.

"Hey guys, whatcha doing?"

Julie and Christen walked out of their room, hand in hand.

"Well look who's finally gone public," Alex joked.

"We're going to get some breakfast downtown," Tobin told them. "Care to join us?"

"Sure!" Christen grinned.

"Let's go then! I'm staaaaaaaarviing!" Julie added.

They all laughed.

"Come on guys," Tobin gestured.

As the group left, Alex couldn't help but have a sickening feeling in her stomach. The feeling that something bad was going to happen. And soon.

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