2 • Cockpit of Broken Dreams

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In the age of digitalization, everything is now online. Your friends, your family, your sports, your shows. Hell, TV sex is a thing. sex on television. That was Ryan's current subject as he wrote the script.

"I mean, can't we stop for a moment to enjoy life? even for a second not glued to a screen?"

Brendon rolls his eyes while keeping them fixed on the road. "You say as you type away on your macbook pro"

"That's different, this is for the documentary since Mr. bigger-than-JJ Abrams refuses to help."

Spencer looks up from his sacred camera "what?"

"Nothing-" Ryan started to speak.

"Ryan was saying that I have a giant di-"

"No! Well wait! I-" he blushed, and shoved his face into his laptop to finish the script.

There was once, one time when Ryan walked into Brendon naked. And he immediately turned away so his back so he wasn't facing him, but that doesn't mean Ryan didn't see anything.

He just shook his head, his ears picking up Spencer and Brendon's conversation.

"What's this stripper place called again?" Brendon asked Spencer, while he was focused on giving his camera a new lense.

"The Cockpit."

Ryan almost choked on his own spit while Brendon burst out laughing. Spencer just continued on with no emotion or facial expression.

"I can't- I can't help it Ryan!" Brendon giggled as Ryan hit him on the shoulder,"The Cockpit, oh my god."

Ryan looks over at him, and he can't help it, he begins laughing just as hard as Brendon. "The fucking Cockpit, shit that's clever. So, what are we doing the first night?"

Spencer looks over at him "I'm glad you asked. We're staying in hotel near the place, so i'll set up the backdrop and we'll do our introduction. Then, we'll head into the co-" he chuckles "sorry. The establishment, and get a sense of what to do. Oh and you're meeting a fellow stripper there. I think his name is... Dallas? something like that."

"A fellow stripper, hmm?" Brendon wiggled his eyebrows while Ryan hit him in the balls.

"Don't get any ideas." Ryan said, his eyes focusing on the script again. Brendon wheezed out in pain and tucked his legs together.

"Ah, thanks for the warning." He winced. Spencer chuckled and put his camera back in his camera case.

"I'd say it's time to head to the hotel now? We've had enough break time?" He cracked his knuckles at the nods of approvement. Ryan shuffled in the backseat to put his macbook away, while Brendon stretched his arms and legs, accidentally hitting Ryan in the face.

Ryan reacted almost too quickly, twisting his arm and pinning him down, before immediately letting him go. "Sorry," he says, and quickly gets out of the car, a look of shame on his face.

"In 3... 2... 1.." Spencer pointed to him, and the intro began.

Ryan sat there confidently in front of the black backdrop.

"The average stripper is depicted as dirty, and an outcast of our society. But what if we told you that strippers make around $74,000 per year? What if I told you that many strippers are undergraduate students? What if we told you that most strippers are perfectly happy people? It's hard to believe, I know. But over the next two weeks, we will take part in the world of stripping, to show you the life on the pole."

"Aaaaaaand cut!" Spencer shouts "well done, Ry."

Ryan smiles gently "You think so? I wasn't going too fast?"

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