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When I was little, my mom told me that I would never need make up to be beautiful. She told me that I had a natural beauty, and that make up would taint it. I never believed her, and even as I'm looking in the mirror now, I don't see anything but a sad girl staring back at me. If there was anything beautiful about me, wouldn't have I noticed it by now?

Sighing, I smoothed down my blue lace dress with tights and grabbed a hair tie to tie my hair up into a messy ponytail. Today was the day that I'd get to hang out with that detective guy. I'm excited because I'm going outside for the first time in 13 years. It's been so hard being cooped up behind these walls. Looking out the window doesn't help. I want to actually feel the snow against my fingertips and watch my nose get red.

"Scarlett?" I heard nurse Carla call out.

"I'm in here!"

Her footsteps could be heard as she walked towards the bathroom. When she got there, she had a coat in her hand and was looking at me excitedly. "Oh, i'm so happy for you." she gushed.

I blushed. "Why?"

"Well, your aunt's re-opening your case and if they prove you innocent, you'll be able to leave and actually live a real life Scarlett."

I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew that my aunt was re-opening my case from what that guy told Carla yesterday, but it's bothered me since then. Why is she suddenly doing this now? Why not all those years back. She hasn't even came to visit me once, and now she's trying to re-open my case?

I was about to reply to her when a small beeping ringtone was heard and she picked up her phone. "Oh! Harry's here! Put on this coat so you won't get cold."
I took the coat from her and slid it on, happy about finally having something to call him instead of 'that guy'. We walked out of my room and down the halls, her arm wrapped around mine.

"Okay, you know the rules right? No talking to anyone you don't know, Do not wander off without Harry, And most importantly-"

"Most importantly, don't reveal to anyone who I am, even if they ask. I know, we went over this last night Carla."

She smiled softly at me as we came to a stop in front of the double doors that led into the lobby. "I was going to say be careful, but that too."

I rolled my eyes as she gave me a quick hug before opening the doors. Looking up, I saw Harry standing there on the phone. He was yelling at someone on the phone, eyebrows furrowed and a snarl on his face. However, when he saw us, his face softened a bit and he just hung up on the person on the other line.


"Carla." He said, nodding at her.

"Watch over her Harry. If something happens to her-"

"Don't worry Nurse. She's in good hands." He then pulled his coat aside to reveal the gun that was tucked in his side.

She nodded and then he gestured for me to follow him. I was basically bouncing with excitement, and I swear I almost cried when the doors opened and I felt the cold breeze. Most people would hate that, since nobody really likes the cold. But after not really feeling it for so long, i've come to miss it. And now I actually get to feel it.

"Um. Are you coming or not?"

I looked over at Harry to see him with the passenger door already open, watching me with a strange look on his face. "Oh, Yea. I'm ready."

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