Chapter 1: The Fortunate and Unfortunate

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Innocence Blue -Revised-


Disclaimer: I own nothing from Cardfight! Vanguard

Chapter 1: The Fortunate and Unfortunate

At unidentified place and building, deep inside was the HQ of Link Joker were the heads of the organization whose having a discussion at the moment about a certain,fortunate and well known character around the whole world about his bravery of setting the human race free from it's binding at the chains of evil but at the same time he was unfortunate as soon as he started being popular - the fast people have completely forgotten he ever exist. Yes, they are having a conversation about 'The King'. Yet despite having a discussion and gathering together- their appearance and identity are still hidden so the other won't used it against them. There are eight of ...

Silence surrounds the entire room as it each one of them contemplating what should bring up first and after several moments of stillness somebody finally decided to break the ice .

"There are sighting about Him..." One of the head started.

"Him? You mean 'The King' himself?" The second inquired.

"Yes, it was reported one of our agent saw Him." The third answered.

"Are you certain it was Him? We don't want another mistake this time around. It's wrong that we let Him go just like that but I must admit at that time we barely able to make a move and we won't able to do much at all. That bring us haunting for some time now but he always able to stand against us. So, let me ask again, are you sure it was The King not just your imagination?" The fourth exclaimed.

"Yes, I assure you. It's Him,The King. There's no mistake this time around." The fifth replied with certainty.

"Then, What are we waiting for?! We must go after Him now! Before he could do anything else!" The sixth demanded harshly and wearily at the thought of there number one nemesis alive and might planning to attack them any moment.

"You are a coward and idiot," The seventh stated and the sixth growled but before the other could protest the latter went on. "Seriously, you are an idiot The King isn't stupid like you. He is one of the smartest person around the world therefore he can't be taken by surprise as he was always have a plan in his back and anticipated our moves before we could make one. If he was easy to be taken down then we should have done in long time ago but alas every time we tried, we always fail. So, he can't be taken lightly just like we did in the old times and we need a better plan than him before we go against him not only that he has other comrade were serious on helping and protecting him against us. The world is with him if they ever remembers or figure out the real situation. What a troublesome fellow."

"That's right, The King. We can't underestimate him as he was the one who beaten us after all," The eight said with a thoughtful expression. "Hmm... What course of action, we should take now that he is visible and not vulnerable?"

"I figured something like this might happen therefore I've already send our number one strongest pawn to capture The King." The ninth finally spoken.

Yes, there are eight leaders in the organization but there is someone who they considered the strongest at them all and that was the ninth who always watched in the sidelines not caring of anything aside from her personal amusement.

This caught the other occupants attention in the room as the ninth rarely speak her mind so they asked with curiosity. "And who might that be? Are you sure this person won't fail us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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