10.) Well.. This Complicates Things!

Start from the beginning

"Come on you, let's get you home" Dan smiled, taking my arms from the bed I was laid and pulled me up into his arms. I shuddered under his soft touch, even though it was through fabric, I could feel the muscle Dan was hiding so well, the toned abs that he worked so hard for. I shuddered again, just thinking... If only...

If only we could be together?

If only we could work?

If only I were 18..

I sighed quietly. Just as I was coming out of my dream state which I like to call thinking time, Dan looked at me funny. Was that a blush I just saw? Was Dan blushing? But why?.. How strange...

I nodded off as soon as Dan carried me to his car, the next thing I remembered was laying in his bed, yet again, wrapped up in the covers.

--Dan's POV--

As soon as I got Sara to the car, she was fast asleep. I buckled her seat belt and stroked the fine strands of hair that covered her eyes. She was beautiful, and I wanted to make her mine, not just in the sexual way, but in nature..

I sighed out loud. I need to tell her about me..

I drove slowly, my thoughts deafening me. As soon as I pulled up at the house, I ran round to the other side and lifted her into my arms. She was completely out of it, that was 'til I laid her down in my bed, where she laid with me only 2 days ago.

"Dan?" Sara whispered. I quickly slid my jacket off my arms and undone my shirt, it really was uncomfortable wearing all of this junk. I threw my shirt to the other side of the room and kicked off my shoes. I do need a shower, I thought to myself again.

"Dan, do I really have to go home when my parents get here" She hid her face from mine, I couldn't see her eyes, so I couldn't read her.

"At some point, when they get back, yes you will have to go" I sighed.. Dragging a deep breath inwards, overwhelming me with Sara's sent. Her smell was everywhere, all over my sheets, in my bathroom, the carpets.. Sara was just everywhere.. I shook my head, trying to think of something else..

I couldn't lose her now, I thought to myself as I dreaded the information I had to tell her.

It's not as if I want to make things more complicated. But, I believe in karma, I believe in fate.

So if we're meant to be together, she'll accept what I need to tell her.

If me and Sara were able to make it through this, then we'd be unstoppable.

I left the room, trying to make my thoughts leave my mind, I can't stand lying.. I really can't, she means a lot to me, I mean, she means more to me than she thinks.. I just don't know how to tell her..



Hearing my ring tone, I quickly grabbed my phone from my jeans pocket and looked at the caller ID..


"Hello?" I asked.

"Son, you need to get out of there fast, they've found you! You've got to come home now where there's protection, this normal life you wanted to live has to come to an end now, and I'm sorry son" My father said out of the blue.

"What's going on dad!?" I cried as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"There's no time to explain, they'll be there in 2 hours, and I need you to get out of that town now! Make your way back here! Please son, just listen to me this once, I'm begging you!"

Well.. This Complicates Things! (Werewolf/Romance)Where stories live. Discover now