Goodbye Jack Sparrow

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          "Find the Black Pearl." Davy commanded. We dove under the sea, searching for the ship. Then after only a few minutes of sailing, the bottom of the black ship could be seen. We surfaced, surprising very crew member on their ship. Davy looked around for Jack, but it turns out he didn't have to. Jack stepped up, holding the jar of dirt I had seen him with earlier.
"Oy! Fish-face!" He called to Davy. He said some words, probably insults, I didn't understand. Then he fell down the deck stairs, which made him look even more stupid.
"Got it!" He held the jar of dirt up.
"Come to negotiate, eh? Well, look what I got! I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it!" He taunted Davy in a sing-songy voice.
"Enough!" Davy spat. I told the crew below deck to ready the cannons. That wiped the smug smile off his face. His crew instantly got to their feet. They turned very quickly, fleeing. Ha! They are going to try and outrun us!
"All to starboard! Send his beloved Pearl to the depths." Davy said coldly.
"Fire!" Maccus yelled. The starboard cannons blew the black ship apart. There was a change of wind, and we were slowed down.
"Let them taste the triple guns." Davy said to Ogilvey. The cannons at the front of the ship fired, shaking the ship ever so slightly. They had no chance now. The wind had really changed, and they were very far away from us, but Davy knew exactly what to do.
"Summon The Kraken." We watched as The Kraken neared the ship. Davy grinned, for he knew he would have no further dealings with Jack ever again. The Kraken's tentacles slithered up the side of The Black Pearl. They readied their cannons, but didn't shoot till the last moment. It retreated back into the water, and they yelled in triumph. This beast wasn't defeated that easily. Then suddenly, their ship shook. They tried their very best to ward off its attacks, but it was too overwhelming. They had a big net full of barrels hung up, and The Kraken was trying to release them. Will was, hanging off the net, trying to get himself free. The Kraken just ripped the net open, causing the barrels to fly everywhere. Then the barrels exploded, injuring The Kraken even more. It sunk back into the water, for now. They all got onto a long boat, except one. They rowed away, and The Kraken returned. It's tentacles rose from the water, it's body joining them this time. It opened its mouth, roaring, and sending slime everywhere. Then it took over the ship, dragging it to the depths, along with Jack.
"Our debt is settled, Jack Sparrow." Davy said to himself quietly.
"Turns out even Jack Sparrow can't beat 'er." Maccus said. Davy turned around.
"Open the chest. Open the chest, I want to see it!" Davy commanded Maccus. He picked up the key, placing it in the key-hole. Davy shouldered through, sitting down, then opened it slowly. He was so furious, he vibrated.
"Damn you, Jack Sparrow!!!" He yelled. Just when I thought it was over.

Hi guys! Sorry that chapter was so incredibly short, 'I've got a jar of dirt' makes up for it though!

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