She was a Mage, a warrior, and still a child in her heart. She was denied the childhood that she deserved, but she never complained, just followed orders and did them swiftly.

Today she would go to Vanaheim and help The dark elves alliances. The rock giants and other creatures.

She was Circe of Alfheim the Princess of the elven race on this Realm. She always reminded herself of that fact.

Circe began to prepare as she pulled on her dark blue extra long tunic, then her dark leather pants, with her black boots. Then she placed on all the armor that came with it. The rest of the black and silver pieces tied in well with the color scheme. She then pulled her hood over her head and pulled up the cloth mouth piece. Then began to place all her daggers and knives in their right spots. Then pulled up her bow and quiver of arrows. She allowed her wings to fan out for a brief moment. If someone were to truly look upon her, they would think she were of the Valkyrie clan, that was not to be.

She then walked to the door hearing the dark elf soldier she had come to know as Valdir. He didn't treat her like the others did. He was her only friend and he protected her when she would irritate the ire of Malekeith.

She smiled behind the cloth mask.

"Its time. Do try not to die. I would be very lonely if you were to go." He smirked.

She stifled a small giggle. She wasn't the sort of person to giggle she never would be. "Only if you promise to not die either. I don't know what I would do if you were to die."

He smiled, "Of course Princess."

She gave a small glare, "If Malekeith were to hear you he'd have both our heads. He stripped me of that title remember?"

He sighed, "Yes, I remember, however that is what you are a Princess. No. A Warrior Princess."

Circe rolled her eyes, "Alright."

He then led her down the halls to the portals.

Little did she know that she'd never see her friend again.

Somewhere deep in the roots of Yggdrasil toward the root of Midgard there is a war going on in that particular moment.


Loki glared as he watched the chitauri fail and win. He fought with them, yet he couldn't get that strange buzz out of his ears. He knew that he was being controlled, he knew that his eyes weren't the same grey-green color. He tried to fight it. He fought it as he was locked in a battle with Thor. He went as far as to leave the key to destroying the portal in front of him. Of course the big oaf wouldn't see it, but he did leave it there.

He did fear the Titan Thanos, but he was hurt and stupid when he fell from the bi-frost. The knowledge that he wasn't even Aesir hurt him beyond belief. He was angry because he had been lied too. He was angry because he thought he had been there to be used for a political ploy. He was saddened because he couldn't control his mind while holding the staff and the simple answer would be, 'Well drop the stupid staff.' Oh you thought it would be that easy didn't you? Well it wasn't that simple.

Even he the most powerful mage in all the nine realms was stumped. He didn't know what to do, yet he knew that he wanted Odin to pay for the misdirection in the worst way possible. He wanted to bring chaos to Asgard. He wanted Asgard to burn. He wanted to prove that he was worthy of a throne, but he didn't want to rule. He just wanted to prove that he could do these things. He wasn't bored. He was just tired of being in the shadow of his older 'brother.' If he could even call Thor that. Did Thor know? Did his mother Frigga know? He hoped they didn't, he hoped with all his might that they didn't know of the monster he was, but he knew that at least his mother would know and yet she was kind to him and loved him like she loved her true son. She had taken care of him, loved him, and taught him magic. Even though that was a woman's art, she encouraged him with the art.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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