When Russia Visits

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Me: *has scared look on face* *looks at request* For the ship *looks down* *builds confidence*
Russia: *arrives* ^J^
Me: This is only the hard part. Hey Ivan!
Russia: *looks at me* Ayleen!
Me: *makes him smell the cloth*
Russia: *passes out*
Me: PHEW. I DID IT! *puts Russia in a LARGE box* *gives it to mailman*
Me: ... do you want to see day light? MY SHIP WILL HAPPEN NOW SEND IT TO GEORGIA!
Russia: *shipped to phoenixhawk909's house*
Me: Yes! *gets clipboard*

Two hours later

Me: *looks at you* Come on in! *walks inside building* Welcolme to the Ayleen Country Express! Where we make all the ships come true. Hurry! The countries are taken pretty quickly. Wanna country? Just request so! It just costs $3! Except if I have to go through trouble it'll be $19! Good day!

Hetalia CrackNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ