Chapter 7

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CJ's point of view

I woke up the the blinding reflection of the sun. I should've closed that window last night but oh well, my alarm clock is busted. I made my way down stairs, it looks like it's almost lunch but there's no one around. 

"It's about time you're awake." A voice said. Ugh.

I turned to him, his eyes were narrowed and he sat there like a boss. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. "Your dad was waiting for you hopefully he could take you out but you were selfishly sleeping." He whispered angrily. "Oh I'm sorry you had to barge in to my room late at night, if you left me in peace I could've slept earlier and made it out of bed early!" I shot back. His face was blank. We bicker a lot of times but right now he was emotionless, wait, he's not completely emotionless. His face showed nothing but hate. "Where's my dad?" I asked. "He headed off to the studio." He replied. 

I actually feel bad. I mean, for my dad not for Greyson.

"I'll make it up to him." I mumbled. "Really? When?" He asked mockingly. "Why can't you stop pushing people away when they actually care?" He asked. "Why? In all honesty, do you care? 5 years ago?" I said. Now he seems interested in his feet. I rolled my eyes once again and went to the living room. "Good morning, CJ." The sleepy voice of my best friend said. "It's actually lunch but top of the morning to you too!" I said and chuckled. "Where's Greyson?" She asked. I gave her a nasty glare. She raised her hands in surrender. "Um, I just really need to talk to him." She excused. "Do you still like him?" I asked, disgusted. Well, I love Emily as a best friend but this matter won't get out of hand. I know I promised I'd "help" her but I don't want anything to do with him. "Well..." She started and winked at me. I fake gagged at her which caused her to burst into hysterics. "It's not funny!" I snapped. "Okay, I won't plunge myself deep in your bad side. I'll get my own food and join you." She said and disappeared into the kitchen. 

"Emily!" I heard Greyson say. "What did you say to her? Did you make up?" Emily asked. "Far worse but it's her fault!" He accused. "Greyson, you know CJ, she developed this 'fighting spirit' and it's because of you! You don't just give it a shot and when you fail you just give up. You know, there's no way to turn this around, it's actually your fault." I heard Emily snap. Did they talk about something I don't know before? Well, that's their business. I heard them talk more but I don't care. Like I said, that's their business. Emily returned with a bag of chips. "Really? Potato chips for lunch? How do you live this life, Em?" I asked with a fake mortified expression. She laughed, "Well, Mrs. Judge-other's-appetite, I'm not that hungry." She mused. "Greyson and I are going to go out today so I was- -" I cut her off. "WHAT THE HELL!? YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH HIM!?" I yelled. "We're not a couple, okay? We're just going to go out." She explained. So this is how you say awkward. "You are ubelieveable." I spat. "You said you'd help me so that only implies you are okay with the matter of me dating Grey--" I cut her off once again. "Don't say his name." I snapped. "He mentioned that your dad also wants to spend the day with you so why don't you grant that for him?" She suggested, trying to change the subject. "Alright, but I'm leaving you alone for the rest of the day because I want to be with my dad. If he hurts you, I'm throwing him down the cliff." I said. "You don't have to be so violent, you know." She said. "Okay then, I'll just pound him with my fire breathing cactus." I mumbled, making sure that she heard it. "CJ!" She snapped. "What? You're my best friend." I said, sounding amused. She playfully hit me with a couch pillow. "Don't hit me! I'm eating!" I snapped. "You deserve it." She said and laughed, I laughed along with her. 

My best friend and my ex best friend together? This makes me want to puke out blood. How will I ever survive it when they officially start dating?


Hey, How ya doin'? (Sorry you can't get through, why don't you leave your name and your number, I will get back to you haha) Patrixia couldn't update so I filled in for her but don't worry, she'll update two chapters for you. We're all in love with her legit writing. So if you have anything to say about the chapter or any suggestions you want to add then comment below or message me or Patrixia (and we'll get back to you). Haha okay I keep singing "How Ya Doin'?" because I bought Little Mix's album and it's definitely and utterly amazing! 

So anyways fan, vote, comment and SHARE! 

Allie out xx

- osnapitzallie (PS follow me on twitter if you can, @EmpireNialler) ;)

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