Chapter 2||"short skirts"

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"where are luke, calum and michael?" they're never this late for lunch." evie spoke with her mouth half full with food.

"i dunno, should i phone them?" i started to take my phone out of my backpack but evie shook her head and pointed behind me. i turned round to see the three boys approaching us, accept today ashton was following them.

"this is ashton, he's going to be our friend now." michael sat down next to me, calum on his over side, luke on my other side, and ashton between luke and evie.

"we already know him, he's in my maths class." i turned my body to face michael.

"did i ask? no i didn't, so shut up." michael rolled his eyes and rested his head on the table.

"what the f*ck's his problem?" i asked, turning to luke.

"he got a b on his maths project." calum and luke said in unison, as if they'd heard it too many times.

"a b is good though michael, what're you so upset about?" evie asked, still continuing to stuff her face, now seemingly unfazed by ashton being next to her.

"my mum was putting pressure on me to get an a." michael slammed his hand off the lunch table, but quickly pulled back when it began to sting.

"f*ck your mum, dude, just come to the party tonight, then we can all stay at astrid's since her mum and dad are away, it'll be lit." calum gave michael a light push on the shoulder.

"you're right, let's get absolutely sh*tfaced." michael highfived calum, and we all gave a small cheer, other than ashton.

"what party?" ashton spoke up, tilting his head slightly to the side, showing off his perfectly defined jawline.

"i'm having a house party since my mums in england and my dads in america." i explained. "come if you want, muscles. also i guess if you're one of us that means you can stay after."

"sounds good to me." after that, everyone just drifted off into separate conversations, luke and ashton talking about gym routines, evie and calum talking about blow jobs, and michael and i talking about bobs burgers.

"but just imagine the restaurant was real, and you could actually order one of the burgers of the day!" michael had his love heart eyes on just thinking about it.

"just talking about this has made me really want a burger." i groaned holding my stomach, to emphasise how much i wanted it.

"how about we don't go to next two classes and go get burgers?" michael suggested, raising an eyebrow at me.

"ugh i can't, i have an essay due for history, which reminds me, i have to go see my english teacher about an essay I have due for him." i rolled my eyes and picked up my bag, shouting my to the group and hearing a few mumbled goodbyes as i walked away.

as i walked up the stairs towards english i heard a low voice, shout up the stairs to me,

"you really shouldn't wear such short skirts." i turned around to see ashton walking up the stairs towards me, stopping at the one below me.

"i told you, i dress for myself." i fold my arms across my chest, smirking down at the hazel eyes boy.

"i can see right up it." ashton smirked back at me.

"what if i want you to see up it?" i decided to flirt back. his smirk grew as he stepped up onto the same step as me, making it impossible for me to move with how close we now were.

"well that'd be good as i want to see up it." he leant down and whispered in my ear. he took both my arms and forced me to uncross them, meaning the only thing creating space was destroyed.

"i think tonight you should show me how cool you actually are, babe." ashton winked at me before stepping back down a step, turning on his heal, and walking away.

"not a chance, muscles."

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