Beacon Falls

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Dear Diary,
To love someone more than anything can either make you or destroy you.

With Stiles and I, it destroys me.

I have loved him since the third grade.
How does he destroy me? He is in love with my best friend; Lydia Martin. You have got to love fate.

The worst part, Lydia doesn't even acknowledge him.

I guess my happiness is slowly shrivelling down to nothing.

The last few months have been especially hard after my parents death. We were coming back home after my twin sister, Elena, decided to sneak out for a stupid party. I wanted for my dad to turn up the radio to block out Elena's apologies. When he did, he accidentally swerved off Whickery Bridge. Neither me nor Elena know how we survived, all we know is that it was a miracle.

I need to go to school now, wish me luck... I'll be needing it.

~Nina Gilbert~

Slowly closing my journal, I tucked it under the bright white pillow before running down the ever so familiar steps.

My dark brown curls jumped up and down with each step I took.

Curls are the only difference between my sister and I was the curls. While Elena has pin straight hair, mine is bouncy and curly.

Of course, there is also our clothing styles. Elena is all about red tank tops and flared jeans, while I'm more black tanks, skinny jeans and leather jackets.

"Toast. I can make toast!" Jenna exclaimed.

Elena was stood next to the coffee maker, slowly pouring herself a cup.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna."
Nodding in agreement, I slid the cup away from Elena and claimed it as my own.

"Is there coffee?" Jer asked, ecstatic at the thought of coffee.

"There was," I giggled.

Elena huffed, sticking her tongue out at me. This just made me laugh even more.

Even with such natural chatter, I can tell we were all hurting.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?"

While shoving some books in my bag, I declined with a simple shake of my head.

"I'm good."

"Anything else? A number two pencil? What am I missing?"

Should I tell her about the meeting she has today? It is today, right?

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena asked with a hesitant smile.

Thank you, Elena! At least someone in this house knows what day it is.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor Crap!"

It was obvious Jenna wasn't sure whether to leave us or not. I was too busy worrying about if I had forgotten any homework. I'd rather not have a detention on my first day, thank you very much!

"Then go. We'll be fine. You okay?" Elena demanded, then became sympathetic once addressing Jeremy.

"Don't start," he sneered before storming out of the house.

The kitchen feels deserted, gloomy without our parents.

I miss them so much.

Clearing my mind of depression and sadness, I prepared myself for the ever so far journey to.... Bonnie's car.

"Hurry the hell up, you two!" Bonnie yelled.

After taking a glance at Elena, we both nodded before speeding to the car.

"Hey, Bon Bon!" I yelled.

"Hey, Nina, when did you start wearing your hair down?"

"No one notices the curls when my hair is up, so everyone assumes I'm Elena."

It's always refreshing when people don't get me confused with Elena. This is a major reason why I let my hair down. We are both, unfortunately, identical twins. It's always been "You look like Elena Gilbert!" And "Hi, Elena. Oh wait, no, you are definitely not Elena."

Yes, that has happened before.

Bonnie instantly began talking. She's just a little chatterbox, "So Grams is telling me I'm psychic. Our ancestors were from Salem, witches and all that, I know, crazy, but she's going on and on about it, and I'm like, put this woman in a home already! But then I started thinking, I predicted Obama and I predicted Heath Ledger, and I still think Florida will break off and turn into little resort islands..." She paused in irritation, "Elena! Back in the car."

Wow, not even listening to your best friend, that's just low. I mean, yeah, I was too busy partially zoning out to listen completely but still!

"I did it again, didn't I? I--I'm sorry, Bonnie. You were telling me that...?"
Even asking her what she was talking about.

"That I'm psychic now," she explained bluntly.

Well, that's one way to say it.

"Right. Okay, then predict something. About me!"

Taking a deep breath. She begins, "I see..."

Out of nowhere, a blob that I believe was a crow flew into the window.

Letting out a load scream, flashbacks of that night began to replay in the back of my mind. Like a DVD.

"What was that?! Oh, my god! Elena, are you okay?"

Once she asked that, I went back to my happy place. You know, where I didn't have to go to school. Damn, that's one nice day dream.

"I predict this year is going to be kick ass. And I predict all the sad and dark times are over and you are going to be beyond happy!"

That's one nice prediction, if only it was true... People can wish.

Wait, isn't that the suicidal crow who just dived into our window shield? What on Earth? I'm not the only one who saw that, right?


Stiles Stilinski. Why can't he just notice me?

I may sound like a love sick puppy, but it's hard to not feel pain every time I see him.

"Hi, girl! Are you ok? Ohh, I love what you've done with your hair! I've missed you so much!" Lydia greeted while engulfing me in a beat hug.

"C-an't breath, Lyd."

Instantly letting me go, she apologised before pulling me inside.

"Hey, Lydia! You look- like you're going to ignore me..." I heard Stiles shout, slowly becoming more and more quiet.
Not even a hi.

"You know he absolutely adores you, right?" I ask, turned towards Lydia.
She huffs before replying, "It's sad, isn't it?"

Don't cry, don't cry.

"Caroline, Bonnie and Elena! Long time no see. Elena, obsessing over the new hot guy yet?" Lydia asked with a smirk.

For some odd reason, Lydia seems to despise Elena. I often find it amusing.

"There's a hot new guy?" Caroline demanded, obviously wanting more details, "Well, I've got to go and stalk him for a while! See you guys!"

Without any other words, Caroline strutted off, with her blonde curls bouncing on her back.

I've always been insecure about my beauty when I'm around my friends.

They are all so beautiful. Bonnie with her long, brown hair, lovely, bright brown eyes, her heavily tanned skin and petite figure. Caroline with her lightly curled, blonde hair, tall frame and beautiful porcelain skin. Don't even get me started on Lydia.

Ok. Just get through the next six hours and everything will be... Ok.

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