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Charles loved playing Erik. They played every day together. Erik loved listening to Charles ramble on about science. And Charles loved the way Erik listened and asked questions and didn't seem to be bored. Charles and Erik would go to the hole in the rock everyday. They would play pretend and explore the river side. Erik loved it. Charles loved it.

One day Charles was not well. He was sick and couldn't go out. Erik missed Charles. He wanted Charles to come out and play. Erik would come by everyday and ask weather Charles could come out and play. Charles's mum would always say no. One day Erik decided to actually go in to Charles's house and say hi. Erik walked up to Charles's front door and knocked. "Hi Erik, Charles can't come out and play today I'm afraid." Charles's mum said politely. "Oh ok. I was wondering if I could come in and see him?" Erik asked nicely. "Why of course you can." She led Erik inside and took him to Charles's room. "He's in there." She opened the door to let Erik in. Erik walked in slowly, he could see Charles lying in his bed. "Charles?" Erik asked quietly "wh..wha..Erik?" Charles said tiredly. "Yes it's me." Erik responded. "I've been waiting for you." Charles said. "Oh really." Erik said staring at his shoes. "Yes. Please come sit." Charles patted the bed were Erik should sit. Charles looked awful. His face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot and it was red around his eyes. His hair was messy and his nose as red. Charles was very much sick. He sounded sick even when he spoke. His nose was blocked so his voice was very nasally and quite croaky. But Erik didn't mind. It was still his best friend and he was still happy. "It's nice to see you again." Erik said. "Yeah it's nice to see you too. I've been in my room for ages." Charles said with a small bit of annoyance. Charles and Erik had been together for a long time now. And Erik had soon begin to develop new feelings for Charles. Not just the feelings of happiness when he first met Charles, but he had a stronger feeling. Like he could never let go of Charles, like Charles was this missing part of Erik that needed to be filled. Erik had feelings he had never felt before. They were strong. It was the feeling of love.
Charles always knew there was something different about Erik. Charles too had feelings for Erik, feelings he also had never really felt before. Only around his mum. And he knew what that feeling was. It was love. Erik made Charles feel more than happy. Erik made Charles feel like he belonged. Erik made him feel the way he felt when hugging his mum. When Charles hugged Erik he felt warm and soft. Charles had began to have  stronger feelings for Erik. Charles was beginning to love Erik.

Erik didn't know how to tell Charles how he felt. Neither did Charles. They both loved loved each other. But they just didn't know it.  Before Erik left he said one last thing. "Charles, I think I... I think I....." Erik was so nervous "yes Erik what is it?" Charles asked as Erik struggled to get the words out. "I think I love you" the words finally came out. Erik felt quite relieved, but he still had to hear Charles's response. "Oh. Cool. I think..... I love you too" Erik felt so happy to hear Charles say that. "Oh good. Well I better be going. Nice to talk to you again" Erik said as he sat up to leave. "Wait!" Charles said just before Erik reached the door "Come back here." He ushered Erik back. Charles motioned Erik to come close. He did and Charles gave Erik a peck on the cheek. Erik blushed. Then gave Charles a Peck on the cheek in response. Then Erik got up and said good bye and left his house. Erik was glad he finally opened up to Charles. It made him fell happy. Like no one could ever bring him down. Except for one thing. Going home.

Awwww how sweet. I know this is just a short story but i had burst of inspiration so i just had to continue. Luv you guys. Hope someone reads this.

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