Chapter 19

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"Who knows, perhaps your love will make me forget all I wish not to remember."

--Alexandre Dumas
from The Count of Monte Cristo


I woke up after -- what I think is a short nap, and I am so surprise to see that the sun is about to set. I look around, a little disoriented. Aiden is working on his laptop by my side and tapping furiously in the key board. His phone is on his other hand. His brows are wrinkled and his lips are set into a hard line. I stir and he gazes down at me.

He immediately replaces the mad businessman into my sweet-concern Aiden. How mercurial. I thought to myself. Maybe he didn't notice that I've been watching him for almost a minute.

"How do you feel?" he asked then quickly works on closing his email program and shut down his laptop. Is he hiding something from me? I don't think so; maybe he's just finished with his work. He looks so tense. What's wrong? But chose to ignore, he don't like talking about work with me when we are on a short vacation.

"I feel better but hungry." I sit up. I really feel better after my nap. Most of the times, I only need some rest and I'll be better after.

He smiles at me. But the tension in his eyes is still there. What's his problem?

"Let's eat downstairs. Can you walk?" he offers his hand to help me get up from bed.

"I am not sick. I told you I feel better." I feel his arm around my waist; protecting me.

"Just give me five minutes to fix myself." I went to the bathroom and do what I need to do.

After eating I feel a lot better. We dine in at the restaurant in the ground floor of the same hotel we are staying. It has the magnificent view of the beach, though it has glass walls that keeping us to smell the salty air.

The sky is pink and breathe taking when you are at the full view by the beach. The sun is setting down. Everybody is watching it with awe struck face just like me.

Aiden must notice my face and cleared his throat.

"Let's take a walk?" he asked.

I put my hand in his and we walk out of the restaurant hand in hand until we reached the seashore. I took off my slippers and Aiden follow suit as we walk in the sand. It's more breath taking when there are no glass walls.

The smell of the sea; The feel of the sand in my bare feet as I walk over it; The sound of the waves, and the man beside me. I feel so complete, so happy and contented. I wish this night will never end.

We walk in comfortable silence along the shore. The waves are gently touching my feet. Even the water is cold, it is very comforting. Very soothing, calming us both. I am itching to ask what's bothering him but I don't want to ruin the moment.

The skyline is fading in the distance as we reached the part of the beach where there are benches. We sit there, still hand in hand. I put my head on Aiden's shoulder and he lets go of a contented sigh. When I look up at him he is smiling genuinely. I let a relieve sigh.

"I don't know what are you doing to me, but I feel so complete with you, Alayana." he murmurs against the sound of the waves then put his arm around my waist to tug me closer.

"You light up everything in my life. Like how the sun light up the sky everyday without getting tired." he tucks my wayward hair behind my ears.

His eyes are a shade clearer, a little happier. But there is something behind this look. It's burning with love, adoration, and reverence? Oh my Godness!

"You're doing the same to me, Aiden." and I know, right at this moment I am reflecting his look. I am so in love with him. Truly, madly, deeply.

He held me a little closer- if that is even possible- and kiss me passionately. Deeply.

"I love you, Alyana. I hope you'll say yes."

"I need to see the Plan B first." I smirk at him. "And don't forget, I love you, wherever and whenever we are. For always." I didn't know why I say wherever.

I don't like the feeling inside of me that is starting to build. It is something I don't want to think about right now.

His body tenses for a while but relaxes after a beat. He looks ahead of the setting sun.

"I will give you the fairy tale every woman is dreaming of."

"Aiden, what have you seen in me?" I asked really curious.

I am just a plain ordinary woman. Sometimes, I don't really get it. There's a ton of woman throwing themselves at this man. So why me?

He whipped his face to me with an incredulous look in his face.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are, don't you?"

I flush and bow my head. What is he talking about? It's not what I mean.

"But it's not because you're beautiful or smart or sexy. Because when I'm with you, I don't feel alone." he added and raises my chin. "You're everything that I need."

I smile.

"I guess, you just have stolen a line from a book, Aiden. Is this your Plan B? Sorry, but I like originals." I made a tsk tsk sound and he laughs. Really laughs.

"You have the talent of ruining a perfect moment." he commented. It was my own words for him.

We spend our short vacation worth every hour. Aiden lets me wear the bikini he bought. But I realize I don't want to flaunt my body in a sea full of strangers so I put some short denim shorts and a see-through white blouse. Aiden seems to be a happier man because of it. We both are.

His tension keeps on coming back whenever he is in front of his laptop and I have a great mind to throw it at the sea. Or drown it at the pool. But I know he wouldn't like it so I behave in the best of my ability.

We went home Sunday afternoon after dipping for one last time in the water. There is no doubt that this is one of my unforgettable moments of my life.

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