Their arrival

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3rd person
     All the Sakamaki brothers were doing their own thing. Laito playing darts, Shu sleeping, Reiji doing experiments, Subaru in the rose garden, Kanato talking to Teddy, and Ayato eating Toyoaki, and Yui sleeping
*knock knock*
"Whose that?" Yui said walking down the stairs while still trying to keep herself awake. "I dont know but should we open it?" Kanato asked and squeezed Teddy.
"What the...?" Reiji says teleporting out of his study. "Why the hell didnt you open the door?!?!" Subaru said punching the wall. "Oh its just Subaru!" Laito said smiling. "What are you smiling about?!" Subaru said ready to knock him out. "I thought you were someone else sorry geez" Laito whispered that last part. "Whoa what happened too your door?" An unfamiliar voice said. "Who the hell are you?" Ayato asked trying to copreheand whats going on. "Are you those 6 girls that KarlHeinz told me about" Shu asked lazily opening one eye half way. "Yes we are" another unfamiliar voice said. "How come you havent spoke too me that were having visitors?" Reiji asked politly. Shu ignored the question and closed his half opened eye. "Shut up would here" a sleepy voice said. "Oh come on lazyass get up!" Another voice said. "No im the oldest and heir of this family." The voice said again. "So what?" Another voice said. "Ok why dont you come inside so you guys can introduce yourselves." Reiji says motioning them to follow them to the game room.
In the game room
"So who are you 6 and take off your hoods" Ayato said while Yui kept quiet. "Im Yuri the 2nd eldest of all 6 of them" Yuri says taking her hood of revealing her long purple hair and her clothes as if she was a lady butler with golves, a skirt, a shirt with the pattern on the sweeter that all of the brothers and Yui have, and glasses. "Whoa you look like Reiji" Laito says with wide eyes. "Im Hamaki the eldest" Hamaki says also taking her hood off revealing her long whitish orangish hair, her earphones, and her wearing a beige sweeter and another sweeter on top with the same logo on the top sweeter. "She looks like Shu" Yui says quietly. "Im Yomoko, Sikana, and Amata were triplets." All three said in union and took there hood off. Yomoko had Aburn long hair with a fedora and her wearing a slight shorter skirt than the other 2. Sikana had long purple hair and her hugging a Bunny and her wearing almost like what Kanato was wearing but with a skirt. Amata had long red hair and her skirt a side shorter than the other with the same sweeter pattern as the others "And lastly im Simata the youngest" Simata says irritated and takes her hood off revealing her long whitish pinkish hair and her skirt was tore up and so was her sweeter with the same logo on the top of the sweeter.

"Now tell me why are you here?" Reiji says pushing his glasses to the bridge of his nose. "KarlHeinz told me on the phone that all six of them were vampires and they are our new bride." Shu said stitting up. "So you six are going to marry them?" Yui asked. "Yes we are when we turn 30 i suppose" Yomoko says tilting her fedora up. "Why do you 6 look like the girl versions of all of the 6 brothers?" Yui asked curiously. "Thats how we are now anymore questions?" Hamaki says leaning on the wall. "Ore-sama needs blood" Amata says slotching now. "Im the only Ore-sama here!" Ayato says. "Well now theres another one" Amata snapped back at him. "So your telling me your all vampires?" Yui asked frightened. "Yes we are and who are all of you?" Sikana asked sqweezing her bunny. "Im Reiji the second oldest..." Reiji says, "hes shu the eldest..." Reiji says then points at him, "the triplets Ayato, Kanato, and Laito..." Reiji then points at them. "And finally Subaru the youngest." Reiji says pointing at them. "And im Yui" Yui says. "Ok so we will be living here for now on." Hamaki says. Then Yuri grins, Yomoko tilts her fedora down then smiles, Amata smirks, Sikana creeply smiles and huggs her bunny, and Simata chuckles.

see you...

The Brides have arrived (diabolik lovers x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin