Way to go, Leo! I inwardly cheered for him.

"Nathan can come with us..." Tyler finally relented, his anger now gone.

"What about Poppy?" Leo asked with a frown, totally unaware of what he'd just achieved.

Tyler's clenched jaw was answer enough, and unwilling to cause a rift between the two brothers, I said, "I'll be ok... Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" Nate asked, clearly unconvinced.

I nodded. "Have a nice day, guys!" I then said as cheerfully as I could before hurrying inside the car.

The drive to school was ridiculously short and I still didn't feel ready when I crossed the now open fourteen feet high forged iron gates.

I decided to park as close to the gate as I could in case I needed to make a run for it.

With my messenger bag hanging on my shoulder, I crossed the paved car park as quickly as I could with my heels until I reached building C.

It was by far the biggest of the three very modern-looking buildings that were standing in a line in front of the huge square-shaped parking lot.

Building A, I had read on my New Student Starter Pack, on which huge colorful stick figures stood out against the bright white paint, housed the kindergarten and primary school.

Next to it, and slightly bigger in size, building B was a shiny dark red color with the white letters RPJHS standing for Rochester Private Junior High School above its bright red main door.

Finally, Building C was even bigger and a shiny metallic grey Rochester Private High School has been spelt with metallic black big block letters signs hung above the double glass door.

If I remembered well, there were roughly four hundred students both in the middle school and in the high school but while our uniforms where navy blue, theirs were grey. The stripes on our ties then indicated our grade, yellow for Freshmen, green for Sophomores, red for Juniors and silver for Seniors.

As I entered the spacious hall in Building C along with many over excited-looking students, I headed right towards where I knew the juniors and seniors section would be.

I pushed the upperclassmen section door open and stepped into the long locker room.

It looked more like a wide corridor, really, with its rows of bright red lockers on either side. Small groups of students were gathered together against lockers, probably catching up on the latest gossip.

I had been given locker number 110. One look at the first lockers, respectively number 1 on my left and 2 on my right, and I realized that it was probably one of the last red, i.e. junior lockers on the right.

90. 92. I could already see where the lockers color changed from red to silver and I cringed when I saw the group of fifteen people or so standing around it, especially when I understood that my own locker was there somewhere as well.

Don't tell me they went as far as request neighbor lockers! I thought as I stopped a few steps behind the VH bros and their court.

After wondering whether I wouldn't be better off not using a locker at all for about half a second, I realized how ridiculous I was being and I resumed walking until I reached the group.

I tried to slide behind two girls who seemed totally engrossed in what Landon Grassi, a tall dark-haired senior, was telling the group, but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned around to see who it was and came face to face with Keira Nash, a beautiful brunette with hazel eyes. She and I had met at soccer camp back in sixth grade and even though I'd quit soccer, officially to save money for my car, I knew she was the RPH girls soccer team captain.

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