Chapter 1

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There was no longer any traffic on interstate 89. When gas reached over $100.00 per gallon. Fewer and fewer people could afford to travel. Food and other necessities continued to escalate and riots were a daily occurrence. The homeless were now the leaders of the towns and cities, as they were the only ones who knew how to survive.

The sun was rising in the eastern sky over French Hill. The morning clouds were surrounded by a pinkish hue, and soon the groups who lived in the hills would be on the move.

"Roger do you want me to collect the eggs?" Sarah asked.

"Yes of course you can," he said.

They had come upon a small flock of turkeys and had built an enclosure to keep them penned. The turkeys would supply them with meat and eggs. It would soon be time for them to move out. To see what could be found in the surrounding areas. Many had not survived the recent riots. Whole neighborhoods had been destroyed. The smouldering ruins were still seen in the distance

"Sarah did you find any eggs?" Roger asked hopefully.

"Yes there are enough here for 3 meals." Sarah announced happily.
After finishing their breakfast they would pack up and move out to see what they could find today.

Roger had planned to hike to the bay today. With the idea of finding something of value. Now that fall would soon be here, within just a matter of days. The trees would be every color of the rainbow. He knew that they would have to get prepared for the coming colder temperatures.

"Let's go Sarah, " Roger said.
We have to get a move on if we are going to make it all the way to the bay.

"I'm ready," Sarah stated.

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