Lonely Girl

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Pic above is Nicole Blue. And Micheal is hooded guy.



I walking around, looking everything around me. So bored, and nothing to do except stalking people. I don't know why but stalking people makes me feel me. And I like it! Even I afraid to show my face to everyone. Watching, watching and watching and nothing special at all. But wait! There's the girl, long brown hair, wearing a glasses. I know her, she student at my school together. Not that she know me of course. What's her name again? Nick? Nico? Nicole! Yes Nicole Blue that's her name. And her dad is sheriff, Joseph Blue. Living alone with her dad and her mother divorced with her dad. Reasons is unknown. Why is she doing here? Sitting under tree by herself? Doesn't she afraid getting kidnapping? Shesh! Kid this day. Wait a minutes, I'm a kid too! What if I go talk to her? No! She might sees you as creeper or something. Yeah! You wearing damn hoodie! "Hello?" Hah?! Whose talking? I look around and I'm under tree that Nicole sit. Damn it! Did I walking to her without realize? It's doesn't matter. I look at her even she didn't know that. "Hello, I'm sorry for walking to you" I said and she shake her head as no. "Oh no, it's okay. Well I happy that walking to me because I'm kinda lonely here." Wow this girl are sure talking too much to stranger. And honest too I gonna put that. "Oh really? Then if you didn't mind if I be friend with you?" I ask and she have this big eyes with happy face. "No! Not at all! I love to!" she said and shaking my hand really hard. She kinda strong for girl I gonna tell ya that. Maybe she might be lonely because she don't have friend or someone to talk? Well yeah, her dad work as sheriff. I wonder if stalk her. She seem interesting enough to me. Well tomorrow have a work to do. "Hello? Sir are still here?" Hah!? I forget that I still with her. "Y-yeah, I'm here sorry. Well I'm gonna go, Seeya kiddo." Then I left her and go to my apartment. Okay! Find her house and put cameras spy all around her house and mics too. Also borrow her key house to make a copy.

That Hooded Guy is My Stalker{WATTY2015}Where stories live. Discover now