Author Note

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Allo! I just wanted to say thanks for reading! Vote, comment, and read on! Go to my page and read some of my other stories please! It'd mean a lot to me. My other stories aren't like this one though. Their mainly about werewolves/vampires. But they are kinda cute minus the one that likes killing people. And the one that is probably gonna get me in a mental facility. But anyways, go check them out! I love you! I hope you enjoy reading my writings! Because honestly, when I go through and proofread my things, I begin to hate them. So comment if you like them. Comment if you don't. Vote if you like. Lol me and my bro are just saying 'my precious' in really creepy voices. It's like the middle of the night too. Why did I choose this time to be weird? Actually. Scratch that. I'm always weird. Like how I was thinking how fun it'd be to go on a date, wearing white and have water guns filled with water downed fake blood. Dude that'd be cool as fuck. Just gettin soaked in red liquids in white clothes. We'd look like something outta zombie movie or something. Regardless, it'd be cool. Or maybe improv for a date? We could just pretend to slay dragons and shit with puny lil tree branches. Or we could be knights fighting over a prince. Lol. Anyways. Love you.
Hugs and Kisses.
~Anthonie Hart
P.S.- Sorry bout bein weird, it's just how I am.

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