Crusidian Candles

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This place is one of the few remaining cities in the world.

One year ago, another life form, called Trasees, attacked the human race. Their ultimate goal is to destroy all humanity. So far, they are succeeding.

The citizens of Crusidian isolated the whole city. No one can enter. No one can leave. Everyone is expected to live a normal life. For most, living normal comes easily. For some, living a normal life is practically impossible.

Avery lost everything. Her house, her family and her sanity. Crusidian elders locked her up in an asylum because they believed she was a danger to what's left of society.

The asylum is run by the patients. They receive food rations each week on the front steps of the building. It can't be considered food, however. It's white and almost resembles wet concrete. But it's edible.

As for water, the elders turn on the water at a scheduled time every other day. Most use it for showers. Some stock up and fill jugs or whatever is laying around. They'll need it when the Trasees raid Crusidian. It's only a matter of time.

Everyone knows it will happen, but no one admits it. If someone speaks out against the elders, they'll get put into the asylum.

Rumor has it, that's the reason they dropped off another patient this morning. No one knows his name, but he has been wondering the halls all day.

He has stalked passed Avery's door six times so far. The first three times Avery barely noticed. She just sat rocking in the corner.

The fourth and fifth time, Avery stared at the boy. Something about the way he floats down the halls made the gears in her brain stop.

The sixth time, the boy met Avery's eyes. They kept the contact for about five seconds. Avery felt her chest tighten with fear under the boy's glare. The boy turned his head in arrogance and continued down the hall.

Avery moved to the doorframe. Sitting crisscross and waiting for the mysterious man to pass again.

It seems like centuries before the man reaches Avery's door.

This time, the man stops abrupty and turns to look down at Avery.

They stare into each other's eyes for so long it seems unnatural and awkward until finally Avery breaks the contact. She looks everywhere but his eyes.

"James Masterson, but you can call me Jamie," he emphasizes the you. "I think I've found my room."

Avery shakes her head profusely.

"Didn't your mother teach you that sharing is caring?"

Avery uncrosses her legs and stands up coming face to face with James. She wants to tell him off. She wants to stand up for herself. Having not spoken for months, Avery just steps aside.

James barges in and flops down on the bed to the right. He lays down and stretches his arms above his head. "So what're you in for?" He asks as he places his hands behind his head.

No response.

"Don't you speak?"

Still no response.

James just smirks and turns over on his side.

The smirk stays on Avery's mind all through the night.

The nerve of that guy! So arrogant. He probably thinks he's so fantastic and that nobody can resist that stupid smirk. Yeah, well he's got another thing coming.

Avery soon falls asleep. A disturbed and troubled sleep.

Avery is afraid of everything.People, plants, animals, food that looks like worms. She lived with these fears even before the Trasees attacked. She's content with living alone. She doesn't need anyone else. 

James is the complete opposite. He's not afraid of anything, except for commitment. As cliche as that sounds, James can do anything. He'll fight the Trasees without any weapons. He'll jump off a cliff into a burning pit of lava without a second thought. When it comes to love, however, his walls come up. 

James had a fiancee once. Her name was Annabel Crystall. He was head over heels in love with every inch of that woman. He had gotten his great grandmother's ring an proposed under the stars on a beach by the Pacific. 

Everything was going so perfect. Annabel had accepted in tears of joy. She had chosen her dress. They had even sent out wedding invitations.

June 28, 2034 was the day that Annabel Crystall was murdered by the Trasees. 

June 29, 2034 was the day that James had decided to rebel against, well, life. 

Avery felt a tug at her musty blanket. She stirred from her sleep and looked up at James through her eyelashes. 

She noticed James's fingers still poking her thin blanket. She twitched at the contact and stood up abruptly. 

"Woah," James stepped back a bit and put his hands up. "My bad hobbs."

Avery tilted her head questioningly. She wasn't sure if she had just been insulted or...insulted.

"You're short. Hobbit. Hobbs. Get it?"

James was a little less than a foot taller than Avery. He was 6 feet 2 inches and she was 5 feet 4 inches.

"They are turning the water on. Thought you might want a shower," James assumed as her pulled at Avery's ragged brunette hair.

Avery backed against the wall as fast as roadrunner. She did not like to be touched.

"Well, I need a shower," With that James left the small, dusty room.

Avery slid down and put her knees to her chest. Her heartbeat was irregular. Avery started rocking back and forth to sooth herself.

How could he just touch me so carelessly? I've just met the boy and he's talking to me so informally. I am not friends with him nor will I attempt to be. I'm sure he'll stop talking to me after he realizes that I won't speak to him or anyone. Perhaps he'll even move out of my room. Someone, surely, will tell him about me.


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