Chapter 3 - My perverted boss

Start from the beginning

When we got out of the café, a black Porsche car was parked outside. It was of course, his. He opened the other side of the door which is in front, next to the driver's seat and gestured me to sit down. Who would try to sit in front? beside the guy who harassed her when she was drunk? Some fool maybe but I'm no fool. I just let a smirk form in my lips when I realized how stupid he is. I opened the door at the back seat and let myself in. I didn't look to see what face he made but I just wish that he got the idea that I'm seriously mad at him.


After thirty minutes of drive, he parked his car in front of a modern style house. He sure do have neighbors and it is a good thing because if he ever tries to harass me, I'll definitely shout for help. He didn't engage a topic when we're inside the car but he sure does make things to get my attention. What bothers me most is the fact when he kept on looking at me through the rear view mirror and it was making me feel uncomfortable. When the engine of the car stopped, I instantly opened the door of my side and get out before he even opens it for me. When I saw him get out of the car, a smile formed on his lips. What is this perverted thinking now?

He walks towards the front door while he took the keys out from his pockets. When he finally unlocked it and opened the door for me to enter, I went in. He closes the door behind him and I folded my arms against my chest, waiting for him to talk and tell me what I was supposed to do here. I examine the interior decorating of the house and I could give him a compliment if he was a kind guy but then again, he's not. The way this house is decorated is purely based on modern style. The only thing that ruins the style though is the wooden floor. He should've at least made the floor in a marble tile. The house has its second floor but I didn't walked around and just stood there. He throws the key on the coffee table at the living room and sat down on the black leather sofa in the most comfortable way possible.

"Sit." He said. I walk towards where he was sitted and just stood there, still my arms are folded against my chest. "Thanks but no thanks." He maybe my boss but to me, he's the stinking' brat. I can't believe that I manage to call him different names inside my head.

He let out a heavy breathe and leans his back against the sofa, "Okay." He bits his bottom lip for seconds and then said, "I know you're mad about last night." He could have said sorry first.

I'm definitely going to let out a fit of range. "Oh no, I'm not just mad. I'm angry, in a way that I wanted to kill you. I wanted to slit your throat out and throw you on the woods and be eaten by carnivorous animals on the forest! You deserve those things! You're one hell of a guy. I didn't even talked to you because I was giving you the idea that I'm not interested in you? And yet you still pursue and get the advantage that I'm drunk. You just kissed an innocent girl and it's fucking my first kiss! I'm sure that you're a stupid guy who's playing around but you don't have rights to take advantage on a drunk girl like-" He stands up from the sofa and cuts my sentence by placing his hands on my mouth.

"You sure are scary when you're not drunk." He frantically said. I was still saying cursed words under my breathe while his hands are still placed on my mouth and I knew he doesn't have the plan to remove it. "Listen to me. Just listen, please?" He asks.

I give up and just shut my mouth to give him the idea that I'm willing to listen even in the back of my mind, I don't want to. He slowly lets go off his hands and said with his blue eyes fixed on me, "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know that you're not interested with those kind of things and for holding your breast. I'm sorry. It's just that you weren't fighting back and with the looks of things, it looks like you're enjoying yourself." He finished. Did I just heard him say that I was enjoying myself? It's making me really angry. "And, sorry. I didn't know that it's your first kiss. Sorry for taking that away from you. Plus, you should have worn something more decent if you don't want to get in those kind of things." He doesn't even have the clue of how I wanted to remove those clothes, if it weren't because of my sweet friends.

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