The girl who cried wolf: chapter nine

Start from the beginning

Wyatt turned and glared at Luca, who in response took a step back and kept quiet.

    “Please excuse my Beta.” Wyatt said his eyes still firmly on Luca.

    “Its fine, I fought as hard as I could but I had someone else to worry about.” Antonio said quickly looking over to the cloaked figure next to him.

Whoever the person in the cloak was it was obvious that he cared a lot about them. I heard Faith let out a little sigh; she seemed disappointed for some reason. She had been acting strange since Antonio had walked through the crowd and looked at her. I had never seen her like this before, I couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong with her.

     “Your companion, what do they have to say for themselves?” Wyatt said his on the cloaked stranger.

    “This is my….” Antonio started but didn’t finish.

The cloaked figure took a step and raised their head, I watched as they raised their arms to their hood and pulled it down. I noticed Luca’s eyes widen and Wyatt’s facial expression softened, it was a woman. An exotic looking woman at that. All I could see from where I stood was her long, glossy wavy, black hair and her olive coloured skin.

  “My name is Lucia. I am Antonio’s sister.” She said in the same Irish Italian accent as her brother.  “My brother is a powerful and skilful fighter; he promised our father that he would protect me. He would most certainly be asset to you.” She continued lower her head slightly.

She glanced over at Luca; he blushed a little as their eyes meet. This drove me crazy, how dare she look at my mate and why on earth was he reacting like that. I saw a small smirk appear on Wyatt’s face as he looked from Lucia to Luca. I felt the same rumble in my chest as I had moments before; I suddenly felt someone’s eyes on me. I turned my head and saw Faith looking at me.

     “Mia are you growling?” I heard her say in my mind.

     “Was i?” I asked amazed to find out what that rumbling in my chest really was.

It was obvious the wolf in me was coming out.

    “Yes now relax, you’re lucky I was the only who heard you.” She replied.

    “How can you expect me to relax, look at him he’s blushing for Christ sake? He find her attractive and looking at her body language she knows.” I huffed.

     “Mia calm down, nothing is going to get between you a Luca. Nothing, you hear Me.” she said giving me a small warm reassuring smile.

I smiled back at her, still not feeling any better really. I couldn’t stand not being able to see her face; I wanted to know what he liked so much. Was she prettier then? Did I really need to worry about her? All I knew was it was really driving me mad. I have never really been a jealous person but now I was jealous as hell. I watched as Wyatt turned to both Luca and Tristan, after a moment they all nodded in unison.

     “Well we have discussed your request and we are glad to say it has been accepted. You are now members of the Doyle pack; we hope that you will make yourself at home.” Wyatt said walking toward them, Luca and Tristan close behind. “You can stay in the big house for the time being. Tristan could you show Antonio to his room and Luca could you please escort Lucia to hers.” Wyatt continued with a small smirk.

Great now thanks to Wyatt they would be spending time alone together. It was clear by his facial expression that he was planning something and whatever it was it was going to be bad for me. As they started too walked towards the house together, I noticed Luca smile at. Now this really made my blood boil, Faith obviously sensed my anger as she grabbed hold of my hand tightly. As they started to walk back up the steps, Lucia stopped for moment. She slowly turned her and looked right at me. She was beautiful; I definitely had reason to worry. She had light dreamy eyes and full ruby lips. She looked like a goddess; she noticed the stunned look on my face and smirked at me. Before I knew it they had disappeared into the house and the pack was starting to return to what they they were doing before the meeting. Before he walked back into the house Wyatt looked over at me intensely, his eyes burned into my skin making me feel sick. A smiled curled at his lips, making me feel even worse. I tuned away quickly and looked over at Faith, her eyes met mine and she gave me a soft smile.

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