Prologue:Prelude to Tragedy

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FANDOM: Cardfight!! Vanguard
TITLE: Innocence Blue -Revised-
AUTHOR: RazenshiaSapphire08
PAIRINGS: Kai/Aichi or Aichi/Kai; Depends of how you see it. KaiChi
GENRE: Angst, Friendship,Mystery and Romance.
WARNINGS: Slight Violence,Gore, and Language

SUMMARY:AU.Kai Toshiki is a cold-hearted that works for Link Joker Organization. A well known assassination group and it has a huge influence in the society. One day, he was given a mission and his target was the boy named 'Sendou Aichi'. But for the very first time, he went against them and didn't capture and kill the boy instead he protected him. Blind!Aichi, Mute!Aichi.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing from Cardfight!! Vanguard except the plot of this fanfiction.

Author's Note: There's not much difference from the original version but I just added some scene and changes a few. I also tried to lessen the grammatical errors and typos but English is not my native language so you will spotted errors in this story but at least it's much tolerable than the original. I hope you enjoy reading the Prologue!


Prologue: Prelude to Tragedy




Not so long ago, there were two close friends lived peacefully at the capital city of Japan and they continued to live the most of their life despite not having the most wonderful past in their childhood days but nevertheless they are happy with their family and new friends they made along the way. And, also they are in love with each other...




But, the peaceful and tranquil living of them will soon be destroyed as the whole world was engulfed by darkness and nothingness,despair arises at human's race heart as no one able to stopped the evil entity known as 'Void' when he started his invasion by corrupting their souls making them a Reversed that wield a powerful evil force known as Link Joker that carries his will of destruction and annihilation of humanity...




The deep bond between the two closed friends shatters into piece when the older of two succumb from the temptation of evil and power, as his desire to owned the younger all by himself grows. His heart and judgment been clouded by his envy, insecurities and jealousy towards the rest and so he let himself fall hard to the abyss of hell at the assurance he will have his closed friend all by himself no one else but him alone.




The younger could only watch in devastation and heart broken state as his dear friend begun to turn his/their friends one by one into Reversed and the human race began to thought there is no more hope and there's nothing left for them to survive but when despair almost taken everything... The younger decided he must stopped it from manipulating his friends and bring more despair to the world, no matter how betrayed and forsaken he felt. He stood against the evil, his friends and his beloved friend which he knew his the main reason that he turn out like that. Though he didn't let the dark thoughts lingers as he was aware they will used it against him so he come to conclusion to make it his advantage, making it his strength and determination at bringing all his cherish people back in their real state.




He was given the title 'The King' which he doesn't give any heed. He fought bravely until the very end putting his life on the line as he battled against the embodiment of evil and nothingness. It was intense, a life-and-death fight but good prevail in the end and Void and his minions defeated by the King,himself. And he could never ask for more as everything will finally return what it should be.




Everybody cheered at their victory and freedom as the world returns it's normalcy and peaceful living... But...




After that incident, The King whose become their pillar hope and light disappeared without a trace as if he ceased to existence...




Time passed and people have forgotten his very existence, and his dear friends doesn't recall him any further even his dear friend... Such a tragic end.




Although his existence been erased, his dear friend and the one become closed acquaintance with his daily life, felt something amiss and they were willing to find the root of that sensation... Perhaps, it wasn't a tragedy, after all.

-End of Prologue-

To Be Continued...

A/N: So, how was it? Good? Bad? Tell me, your opinion about it... Reviews/Comments, Votes/Faves and Become a Follower are all welcomed and appreciated. Love and Cheers to you all! Till next time v(^_^)v

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