Chapter 4

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The next morning

Sakura's P.O.V.

When I woke up this morning I had no idea where I was until I looked around the room, and realized I was in my room. I then felt something fall off me and found a damp cloth. Huh? How did that get- WHY THE HELL IS KYOYA-SENPAI HERE?! I thought when I saw the Shadow king lying at the edge of my bed asleep. I was shocked to say the least. I lived alone so I didn't have to worry about questions from parents or anything. My parents died last year from a fire. Let's just say they were too unrecognizable and broken to be shown in a casket.

I then checked the time. 5:00 AM. I'm not tired at all. I immediately then realized I had a major headache and was feeling awful. Better then yesterday, but still awful. Oh no! I didn't get to any of my appointments yesterday! Oh no! I then got up to look for my book bag. I then found it at the front door, immediately searching through it for my phone. When I found my phone and flipped it open, only to find 100 texts, 75 voicemails, and 90 missed calls. I mentally groaned and went through my texts and replied to most of then apologizing and telling then that I will give them their songs on Monday. This took an hour and a half. Next was listening to the voice mails and calling the people that hadn't texted. This took a good 45 minutes.

By the time I finished all this it was only 7:15 AM. So I went to my desk in the living room and started writing songs for my clients and making the music to go with them. Uh my head, but I have to get this done so that way I don't have to work tomorrow.

Kyoya's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a guitar coming from the living room. I was confused for a moment until I looked at the bed. I jumped up and looked around my surroundings for Sakura. My eyes then caught the glimpse of a clock. 11:00 AM?! How could I sleep so late when I'm supposed to be taking care of her?! I chided myself. I then walked out of the room and into the living room.

"Sakura what are you doing out of bed?" I asked once I reached the room she was in.

"Oh, Kyoya-Senpai! You're awake! I couldn't sleep so I decided to write the songs my clients needed yesterday and that are needed Monday."

"How long have you been up?" She then looked up in thought counting on her fingers.

"Six hours?"

"Six hours?! Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked really tired."

I then pinched the bridge of my nose to stop an on coming headache. "I'm not the one that's sick. You need to get to bed and rest."

"But I'm not tired." She whined. She looked really cute at the moment with her lip out and eyes all big pleading, but I couldn't give into it. I just adjusted my glasses and said "No."

"Party pooper." She said sticking out her tongue and pulling done her eyelid. I had to try really hard to stifle a laugh, but it didn't do any good. I bent over laughing really hard. She looked at me curiously for a moment and then started laughing with me. She then stopped abruptly and winced. "Ow."

I then stopped laughing and looked at her worriedly. "Are you ok? What hurts?" I asked walking over to her. She then pointed to her head.

"We should give you the medicine the doctor gave me for you. Have you eaten anything?"

She shook her head and said "I wasn't hungry."

"Well you have to eat something so that way you can take this. I'll make you something to eat, you just go and lay back down in your bed. You're done writing the songs right?"

"Yeah, but I still have to do my homework."

"We'll do that once you eat, sleep, and you're headache goes away okay?"

She let out a reluctant sigh and nodded.

"Good now go lay down." She then started trudging to her room, in a cute moping way. When she was finally in her room, I began making her something to eat. When I was finished I put it on a tray and walked to her room. I then knocked on the door, but received no answer so I opened the door and found that she had fallen asleep. Smiling I walked over to her and fixed the blankets on top of her and walked out of the room with the food. I then put them in the oven to keep warm.

"I'll make sure to make her eat and take her medicine when she wakes up." I said smiling softly.

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