Chapter 1

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Sakura was the new student at Ouran, but had many clients already. Clients, you ask? Yes clients. Sakura writes music for people in the school who are famous for their singing. She always enjoyed her work because it was something she loved to do. One day while she was in class she noticed how the twins that sat behind her, were fighting!

Sakura's P.O.V.

Since I've come to this school, I have never heard them fight once. I wonder what could have happened.

I then looked back at the girl behind me.

"Hey Haruhi. What's up with them? Why are they fighting? Aren't they always getting along?"

"Oh, hi Sakura. I honestly don't know what this fight is about anymore."

"Hmmm. Well I hope they get over themselves soon. Hey, after classes can you help me study for the geometry test coming up?"

"I would love too Sakura, but I can't. I have club after this and if I'm not there on time Kyoya is going to add onto my debt."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're in that host club. I don't get why a girl like you is working for that club. Oh and who's Kyoya?"

"You know I'm a girl?!"

"Yeah. I mean it is pretty obvious."

"Oh. Well anyways, Kyoya is the vice-president of the club. He takes care of everything."

"That's cool."

"Yeah. So about the studying. Would you be able to wait until after club?"

"Sorry Haruhi. I have an appointment with a few clients and then I have to go home, finish my homework, and finish writing songs that are needed by tomorrow."

"Oh, wow! That's a lot."

"Yeah. But I manage."

"Well I better get going. Maybe we can study during host club tomorrow if you want."

"That sounds great! I'll see you at class tomorrow Haruhi! Get those twins to stop fighting while your at it." I said waving goodbye as I walked out the door and to my next class.

At the host club after school

Kyoya's P.O.V.

Well the twin's fight has finally ended. Thank god! It was causing us to lose quite a bit of profit. I then noticed Haruhi walking towards me from the corner of my eye.

"Yes Haruhi? What is it?" I asked in my usual monotone voice.

"Well I'm going to be having a friend of mine come to club tomorrow so that way I can help her study."

"What's her name?"

"Sakura Haruno"

"Is she loud? Or at least louder than Tamaki?"


"Does she know you're a girl?"


"How'd she find out?"

"She said it was obvious."

"Alright then."

"Well I better be going Kyoya-Senpai"

"Good bye Haruhi."

And with that I was left alone in the Music room. I had finally finished my work for the day, so I decided to do some research on this Sakura Haruno. I finally found some information on her that led me to a website. I then began to slowly scroll through the website.

"Huh interesting."

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