Learning how to sit up.

Start from the beginning

"Oh wow, by the way, Santana is coming over in a little while"

"Ok, can you help me set this up please?" I ask him.

"Sure" he says and we get to setting it up while Blaine sleeps. By the time we are finished, Santana and Brittany turn up.

"Hey" I greet.

"He is either playing or sleeping?" San questions.

"Sleeping" I say.

"Britt, we have to be quiet ok?" Britt is a little bit older than Blaine, so she understands more.

"Down mummy" Britt whined as she wiggled.

"Lets take your coat and shoes off baby" she says and takes her coat and shoes off.

"AAAHHH" I hear Blaine.

"Hey sweetie" I coo as I get him out.

"Aww, hey baby, hey" San coos as she rubs her finger against his cheek and he smiles and babbles.

"Yeah" Santana coos again.

"Come here you" she says and takes him from me and cuddles him.

"You're so cute" she squeezes him gently.

"Me 'ee?" Britt asks.

"Look why don't we put him in his new seat yeah?" San asks Britt then looks up at me.

"Yeah go ahead, I just hope it helps him learn a little bit" I explain as I follow them both into the living room.

"Here we go" she says and puts him in carefully and he hits his hands against the bar and giggles. Britt then hugs him.

"Baby" Britt says as she points at Blaine. (At this moment she is a year old and then when Blaine is one she is a very talkative 2 year old)

"Yeah, good girl" San praises.

"Can you say Blaine?" she asks.

"Urrr 'wain"

"Ok, that's close enough"

"Me pway 'oys?" she asks.

"Go ahead sweetie" I tell her and she gets some soft toys then heads back to Blaine to play with him.

"Aww" me and San coo. The little ones played while me and San sat on the sofa with some drinks. (Not alcohol, don't worry) they played and 'spoke' to each other, Britt babbling in her own language and Blaine also babbling up until Blaine started to fall asleep until he was completely out, hanging over the bar.

"Do you think Blaine was tired?" I chuckled.

"Urrr yeah" Santana laughed. I get up and walk over to Blaine and carefully pick him up.

"I'm just gonna put him to bed" I tell San and head up to put him in his port a crib.

"Me pway" I hear Britt whine as soon as I go downstairs.

"You can baby" I say to her and she carries on playing.

"I've got a feeling they're both going to have a great relationship" Santana says to me.

"Me too" I sighed happily as I watched Brittany play.

"Want to stay for dinner?" I asked.

"If that's alright with you?"

"Of course it is, if not I wouldn't of asked?" I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go start on it anyway" I say and head to the kitchen. While I cooked, I heard Blaine cry a little.

"AAAHHH" I hear him until he just stopped, so I waited at the bottom of the stairs for a few moments while Santana gives me a concerned and confused look, so she came over.

"Is he awake?" she whispers.

"I dunno, I'm gonna go check, can you watch dinner for me please?" I ask her.

"Sure" she says and I head up. I quietly and slowly open my bedroom door and peek in to see him calm and sleeping with his green hospital dummy bobbing, so I leave with the door open this time just so I could hear him in case he cries again.

"He asleep?" Santana asks.

"Yeah, he is" I sighed.

"Oh, he's having you on one" San joked.

"Yeah" I chuckled. I finished dinner and Britt sits in Blaine's new high chair as he isn't going to use it yet.

"AAAHHH" Blaine cried/screamed.

"He's definitely awake this time" I chuckled as I put my plate on the table and run upstairs to get Blaine.

"Hey baby" he quietened down once he heard my voice.

"Lets change you shall we?" I say and change him into a clean nappy.

"Want some din dins" I coo as I pick him up and take him down to a messy Brittany and Santana eating her food. I get Blaine's bouncy chair and put him in it with his bottle and put him beside my chair while I can eat and watch him at the same time.

"Ou" Britt then whined.

"Lets clean you up" San says and wipes her and the tray down.

"They you go" she says and puts her on the floor and came running over to Blaine, who laughed behind his bottle, at her when they played.

"Has he still got milk left?" San asks as soon as she sat down to finish of her dinner.

"Yeah, loads" I say.

"Ok, Britt, Blaine needs to drink his milk" Santana tells Brittany.

"'E pway" she whines.

"Go on then" San says back and points to the living room.

"No, Bwaine" she whines again and points at Blaine.

"Baby, Blaine is having his dinner"

"AAAHHH" she sobbed.

"Tired" San sighs as she looks at me.

"Has she had any sleeps today?" I ask as we finish our dinner and clean up while I Blaine was still drinking (he's slow at drinking at the moment).

"No, she's been refusing the last 2 nights and I don't know why" she sighed again.



"Can I get Blaine out?" she asks.

"Yeah sure, you can put him in his seat if you want, just make sure to burp him first" I warn her.

"Ok" she says and pats Blaine's back, till he burps.

"Good boy" she praises then puts him in his seat and he kicks his legs happily. Britt came over and started to play with him again. Later on, we took Blaine out and he rolled on the floor so we say him up and made sure our hands were near his back in case he falls and he sat up by himself.

"Oh my god baby, you did it" I say as I picked him up and kissed his cheek. Soon it was Blaine's bedtime and Santana and Brittany had left, I then headed up to bed myself and being quiet as Blaine slept, I fell asleep after a long look at Blaine and seeing how calm he was just lying there.

Infantilism BlaineWhere stories live. Discover now